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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Sadly he is right. The summer before the Partizan game the club had expenditure of £8.5m. Lee Bowyer was brought in to strengthen the playing squad. .....and the previous 32 months..... Why don't you stick your worthless agenda up your arse, mate. Just an idea. You say sadly. So you're now advocating 32 months of £50m transfer deficit and you wanted them to spend still more? Is that what you're now saying? Below is an extract from something I posted some time ago that you also ignored. It's fúcking pathetic that you push your agenda to the point where one moment you're slagging them off for spending too much and then slagging them off for not spending. The snip below is solid fact. <snip> This has already been done to death. The facts show the club speculated to move from the Gullit mediocrity to a CL qualifying place by spending nearly £50m quid net in the 32 months prior to summer 2003, it's also a fact the club lashed out millions in January 2003 on Woodgate, something that is always ignored by those who babble on about summer 2003. From Jan 2001 ( ish ) through to summer 2003 the wage bill increased massively as well because we'd speculated by bringing in nearly a dozen players in 32 months under Robson, with only 2 reserve players leaving the club for very small fees. <snip> Care to tackle this one, Macbeth? Sounds like you're now slagging the Board for not spending yet more in summer 2003. It's clear by now that your position comes from you having a childish rag on because they wouldn't let you and your pathetic group have a say in the running of the club.
  2. Howaythelads

    Booing parker

    He's not a class act at all. Ever.
  3. He isn't. He obviously has to do more on a daily basis in training to prove to the manager he's worthy of a run.
  4. Howaythelads

    Booing parker

    Exactly. Some would never have made him captain, but there are those who think he's our best player because he runs around a lot. In circles, like.
  5. why wouldnt we go down? have you seen us this season? Because we have too good a players to go down, class always prevails, like Everton last season. :roll: We have average to shit players all over the pitch. Souness has destroyed the team. There isn't much Roeder can do about it but he did spend badly in the summer, that's for sure.
  6. Howaythelads

    Booing parker

    No, no, no. He's never woeful. It's the rest of the team that's woeful. Parker is GREAT.
  7. You can go back further than that to when it started. You says lots of people predicted what's happening now and that's true. Well, it's also fair and true to say a lot of people predicted it further back than that, mate, but were shot down in a torrent of abuse. Perhaps, but not by me. Never said it was you. I think everyone knows .....
  8. Howaythelads

    Booing parker

    Can't be true. He's world class and our best player..... bluebiggrin.gif
  9. You can go back further than that to when it started. You says lots of people predicted what's happening now and that's true. Well, it's also fair and true to say a lot of people predicted it further back than that, mate, but were shot down in a torrent of abuse.
  10. I think you need to consider extracting yourself from his back end. Going to try making some points of your own?? You know, points that have some SUBSTANCE behind them. What is it about these facts and figures concerning our steadily declining income and dangerously spiralling ratio of wages to turnover that strikes you as insubstantial, exactly? And what is it that you don't understand about this decline coming about due to the dropping off of performances on the field of play, rather than consistent mismanagment of the clubs finances by the Board? This isn't difficult stuff. If you can't even see that the two things are intricately related – mismanagement of the club doesn't stop at finances, while finances affect our performances on the field of play as much as performances on the field of play affect finances – then it's not surprising that you can't recognise the vicious circle we've been in since Partizan, which marked the end of the good work Bobby Robson had managed to do, pretty much against the run of play. Surprising that you recognise when it began, unlike your mate Macbeth. Now all you have to do is make that giant leap to accept that the Board hasn't been mismanaging things since they took over, that it's down to mismanagement on the pitch and we're home and dry. From the point of view of the Board, throwing £50m at a team that was still good enough to finish 5th should not have seen a decline. They did their bit but the manager fúcked it up. The correct replacement will put it right and that's what's underway right now, it won't happen overnight. Look at the link in my sig'. So how come, given your hero's peerless financial management, was there no money available to strengthen the squad pre-Partizan? Hero? What don't you understand about the post linked from my sig'? I assume you've at least taken the trouble to read it, wum. BTW The club did strengthen pre-Partizan. Not surprised you didn't realise that, though.
  11. There was one crowd below 20,000 that season. You'll remember why that one happened too. The average home attendance despite that game was just under 33,000. That 46,000 turned up trying to get a voucher for the final is probably not too different from today when we get sub 30,000 crowds for Cup games but don't have enough tickets available for all our Cup finals. Somehow this is relevant to the performance of Shepherd/Hall, or a distraction more likely Err no. Are you stupid or something? I know you don't understand football that well so I'm used to you misunderstanding everything on that subject. Did I say this was in relation to the performance of those people you hate because they wouldn't let your organisation have a say in the running of the club? No, I didn't say that, did I? What I'm saying above is that Mick a bandwagon jumper worthy of nothing but contempt. I thought that was clear so I can't see how you're confusing the two. Weird.
  12. I'm not defending the mackems but the first time they set the record was after splashing cash on shite, something we've become good at. Another thing, we've splashed the cash and we're not far off doing what the mackems did after they decided to spend. nah, you've got it wrong. We've been spending cash on far bigger shite in the 30 years pre-1992, proven by our results. When we managed to raise it in the first place, that is. We've also spent cash on shite to replace quality too. Top quality. England players. Surprised you dont' see that, as you say you experienced it. Do you mean Andreas Andersson replacing Asprilla? Do you mean Ian Rush or John Barnes replacing Ferdinand? Do you mean Boumsong or Ronny Johnsen replacing Woodgate? Do you mean Martins (so far) replacing Shearer? Owen is the replacement for Shearer. You also miss the point again. None of those players you list wanted to leave the club while accusing the club of a lack of ambition. You can try to prove they did if you like. bluebiggrin.gif
  13. Dalglish was the opposite to what we had so tried to change everything that the team had been built around, I wanted Bobby Robson because I felt that he would tinker with the team and win something. Dalglish was also partly to blame for the collapse of Liverpool from regular league champions to also rans, Souness finished what Dalglish started. you SAY you did. Are you aware the club. Unfortunately, Robson didn't come and was under contract, so who would have been your alternative and under what criteria would you have picked someone to guarantee trophies ? PS...send this blueprint to 88 clubs in the country if it is so easy ... Yes I say I did. Robson didn't come and after that I couldn't have picked someone who could have guaranteed trophies, nobody can do that. That's no excuse for Shepherd getting it so wrong so many times. Robson couldn't guarantee trophies, as you indeed went on to say. Had Robson joined at that time and failed would you blame him or the Board. How I wish there had been a forum at that time. I don't really believe you, you see. ( That last bit is your get out from answering the first bit.... bluebiggrin.gif)
  14. Agree mostly. All made necessary by the lack of managerial ability of Souness. Owen didn't play much last season, but without him during the early part and then the eventual departure of Souness, I believe we'd have been relegated or extremely close to being relegated. People can look at the balance sheet all they like and claim it shows we have an incompetent Boarad, but what it shows it that the downturn starts on the field of play. Imo.
  15. I've no problem with you and never have had. My son is younger than 19 and is a Newcastle supporter, I know not every supporter is older than 19. I do not disrespect anyone based on their age, however old or young they may be. In the case of Dave, he automatically posts shite in response to anyone obviously older than himself posting something he disagrees with. A strange attitude, but I know not all young people are immature like Dave is. My problem with people such as Mick is that he claimed to be a lifelong supporter but later let the cat out of the bag that in fact he wasn't. Simple as that. He did that himself. To people who were going to matches when there was only 15,000-20,000 it was a galling period when suddenly we get to a FA Cup Final and 50,000 suddenly become supporters, and are trying to grab tickets and indeed did grab tickets from people who had been going for years. The club recognised it, hence why they brought in the voucher scheme in order to try to ensure the hangers on were at the back of the queue. They do it a different way now, but the principle is the same. When did we get to a FA Cup final with crowds of 15,000-20,000? More spin by somebody who claims to know everything. Unable to address the point again. What a surprise. No doubt you'd continue this tack unless I post an exact average attendance figure or would you even then change the period over which it was calculated. We had crowds around that time of 15k-20k, it makes no difference if the average in a particular season is 25k, the point you're trying to avoid is that thousands of people who previously took the piss out of the club, AND IT'S SUPPORT, suddenly wanted a ticket. Thousands suddenly claimed to be lifelong fans. My belief is that you're one of them.
  16. So you put the near oubling of wages in 4 years down to the quality of players on the pitch ? The team today is twice as good as the team from 2002 ? OMG. Is this a pisstake or do you REALLY not understand football and what has happened in the last few years?
  17. 48. Couldn't care less if you cringe at my posts or not, tbh. The point is, you'll cringe at your own in years to come. It's obvious you aren't able to accept others have a different opinion, you aren't able to properly debate the points, instead taking the easy way out by generally highlighting small portions of a post in order to make a personal point, rather than addressing the debate. I post an opinion and I generally try to back it up with why I have that opinion. I know I could be wrong, you on other hand believe you can't be wrong while rarely supplying any reasons for an opinion you hold. When you do state a reason for an opinion which is then questioned in debate, you turn the post into a personal one rather than continue the debate. You aren't the only one and you aren't the worst. I used to think your opinions were worthwhile reading but you appear to have such a chip on your shoulder these days I really can't be arsed with what you post. You're a joke to me, Dave. Never used to be. That is very ironic, considering my 'OMG saddo!' post yesterday was clearly pointing out the numerous times that you have refused to debate and purely posted a yawning smilie. And if I entertain you i'm glad. You can't be arsed with what I post, but you bite every time. Sort it out! Bite? Sounds like you're admitting that you deliberately post off topic personal shite because you don't agree with me and don't know how to debate and convince me I'm wrong.......Good one, Davie boy. When I say I can't be arsed with what you post, what I'm on about is when you do try to post something about football. It's usually nonsense and that is what I can't be arsed with. When you come back with your silly snipes I reply just because I want to and have nowt else to do lately. It's not causiing me any grief, it's not an angry 'bite'. Get it?
  18. Glad to see you've learnt your lesson wtf are you on about?
  19. I think you need to consider extracting yourself from his back end. Going to try making some points of your own?? You know, points that have some SUBSTANCE behind them. What is it about these facts and figures concerning our steadily declining income and dangerously spiralling ratio of wages to turnover that strikes you as insubstantial, exactly? And what is it that you don't understand about this decline coming about due to the dropping off of performances on the field of play, rather than consistent mismanagment of the clubs finances by the Board? This isn't difficult stuff. If you can't even see that the two things are intricately related – mismanagement of the club doesn't stop at finances, while finances affect our performances on the field of play as much as performances on the field of play affect finances – then it's not surprising that you can't recognise the vicious circle we've been in since Partizan, which marked the end of the good work Bobby Robson had managed to do, pretty much against the run of play. Surprising that you recognise when it began, unlike your mate Macbeth. Now all you have to do is make that giant leap to accept that the Board hasn't been mismanaging things since they took over, that it's down to mismanagement on the pitch and we're home and dry. From the point of view of the Board, throwing £50m at a team that was still good enough to finish 5th should not have seen a decline. They did their bit but the manager fúcked it up. The correct replacement will put it right and that's what's underway right now, it won't happen overnight. Look at the link in my sig'.
  20. I've no problem with you and never have had. My son is younger than 19 and is a Newcastle supporter, I know not every supporter is older than 19. I do not disrespect anyone based on their age, however old or young they may be. In the case of Dave, he automatically posts shite in response to anyone obviously older than himself posting something he disagrees with. A strange attitude, but I know not all young people are immature like Dave is. My problem with people such as Mick is that he claimed to be a lifelong supporter but later let the cat out of the bag that in fact he wasn't. Simple as that. He did that himself. To people who were going to matches when there was only 15,000-20,000 it was a galling period when suddenly we get to a FA Cup Final and 50,000 suddenly become supporters, and are trying to grab tickets and indeed did grab tickets from people who had been going for years. The club recognised it, hence why they brought in the voucher scheme in order to try to ensure the hangers on were at the back of the queue. They do it a different way now, but the principle is the same.
  21. 48. Couldn't care less if you cringe at my posts or not, tbh. The point is, you'll cringe at your own in years to come. It's obvious you aren't able to accept others have a different opinion, you aren't able to properly debate the points, instead taking the easy way out by generally highlighting small portions of a post in order to make a personal point, rather than addressing the debate. I post an opinion and I generally try to back it up with why I have that opinion. I know I could be wrong, you on other hand believe you can't be wrong while rarely supplying any reasons for an opinion you hold. When you do state a reason for an opinion which is then questioned in debate, you turn the post into a personal one rather than continue the debate. You aren't the only one and you aren't the worst. I used to think your opinions were worthwhile reading but you appear to have such a chip on your shoulder these days I really can't be arsed with what you post. You're a joke to me, Dave. Never used to be. Poor Dave, I don't think he'll be able to get over this, it's terrible news, I know it is as I've been through it myself but luckily you still reply from time to time which makes life that little bit easier to take. Chin up Dave, all is not lost. Aye, mainly to highlight the tripe you spout, which you can't really do anything about not having any real knowledge of the football club. You could always ask someone who was there before 1992. I suppose it's difficult for you Mick, the expectations from your posts are higher since you claimed to have been a supporter for decades until being caught out in the lie. No doubt you could tell me all about the time Keegan joined, and about the two cup finals in the 70's though, so don't worry, all isn't lost because you do have experience of some of those decades.
  22. OMG, the KK bandwagon jumper has arrived......... Never did go apart from the Cup Finals, eh Mick? Taking the ticket from a real supporter..... Stand tall, push that little chest out, son.
  23. 48. Couldn't care less if you cringe at my posts or not, tbh. The point is, you'll cringe at your own in years to come. It's obvious you aren't able to accept others have a different opinion, you aren't able to properly debate the points, instead taking the easy way out by generally highlighting small portions of a post in order to make a personal point, rather than addressing the debate. I post an opinion and I generally try to back it up with why I have that opinion. I know I could be wrong, you on other hand believe you can't be wrong while rarely supplying any reasons for an opinion you hold. When you do state a reason for an opinion which is then questioned in debate, you turn the post into a personal one rather than continue the debate. You aren't the only one and you aren't the worst. I used to think your opinions were worthwhile reading but you appear to have such a chip on your shoulder these days I really can't be arsed with what you post. You're a joke to me, Dave. Never used to be.
  24. Hmm, it hasn't escaped me that you ask certain people this question, Dave. I've seen others putting people down for beinig overseas posters recently, making out their opinion doesn't count, yet you ignore it. Why's that, Dave? Got a chip about something have you?
  25. You're hilarious, Dave. One day, 10 years or so from now, you'll look back at the stuff you're doing on here, especially on this page, and cringe with embarrassment. Brilliant stuff, matey. Brilliant.
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