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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Yup. The issue of Fred appointing shite in Souness and then seeming to have made another error with Roeder needs to be tackled at some other time, unless an Abramovich comes along.
  2. So your defence is now that we should keep him because getting rid will not change our immediate plight, your at the bottom of the barrel with reasons now. Good to know you're not bothered about our immediate plight, matey. Fact is, changing the Chairman would not get us out of the situation we are in right now, changing the manager for one who is capable probably would do. And you trust Shepherd to suceed in doing that? Not right now, given the Souness debacle before Roeder. But I'm sure you understand that changing the Chairman wouldn't automatically result in the arrival of a top class manager. Unless that's what you think?
  3. So your defence is now that we should keep him because getting rid will not change our immediate plight, your at the bottom of the barrel with reasons now. Good to know you're not bothered about our immediate plight, matey. Fact is, changing the Chairman would not get us out of the situation we are in right now, changing the manager for one who is capable probably would do.
  4. I see. So it's a figment of my imagination that you and one other chappie have been prattling against the "Roeder must go" fans, is it ? In Commons terms...."I refer you to an answer I gave earlier on this subject" Check back to other threads on this if you've forgotten so soon (I would too if I'd said them !)
  5. shola scores sometimes tbh As if all there is to it is scoring the odd goal. Get some perspective. :roll:
  6. I don't. But plenty on here seem to. Unless they believe of course that Fred packing in tomorrow means his replacement would immediately appoint their hero Hitzfeld. Or any other big name. Disappointed with your "big name" remarks regarding Hitzfeld HTL, fans didn't want Hitzfeld because he was a big name, I didn't anyway and I know many many others didn't either, we looked at his abilities and married them to our problems as a club and he out of everyone was that fabled ideal man in our eyes based on these problems and his own skills, mostly his personal skills. I.e. what the board are employed to do, instead they hired the antithesis of Roeder just like they do with all appointments. KK was cavalier so they appoint a conservative Dalglish who was boring so they appointed the sexy Gullit who was aloof so they appointed the local SBR who lost a grip on discipline so they appointed a disciplinarian in Souness who was high maintenance so they appointed a low maintenance manager in Roeder who is out of his depth so god knows who is next in line. And of course you write that last paragraph in the full knowledge that I said exactly the same a few years ago, but as usual was slaughtered for it by your members, most of whom were saying Souness was the right man. :roll:
  7. Which means it's dawned on you that you just made a twát of yourself. That's hysterical coming from you. OMG emot-yawn.gif
  8. No it's not my opinion that Shepherd going tomorrow would kick start the season, it's my opinion that he is responsible for holding us back as a club, it's my opinion that his publicity has made him a major turn-off to managerial candidates, that's why we've ended up with Souness and Roeder. Look at the way others perceive him, look at the way he's derided in the press, he's brought it on himself by using his mouth before his brain. Getting rid of him does nothing about the immediate plight, but don't let that worry you too much, eh.
  9. Which means it's dawned on you that you just made a twát of yourself.
  10. Who appointed Roeder? Don't you know, like? You ask it often enough have you still not found out? BTW Which part of the second sentence don't you understand? The chairman appoints these "shite" managers, it's his job to do so (edit: appoint managers). If he can't do it then he shouldn't have the job because he's a failure of a chairman. What happens on the football field is down to the manager. I'm almost breaking my sides that someone who is supposed to be the age you are fails to understand that. Is it your opinion that the departure tomorrow of Fred would kick start the team and we'd begin to look like a top 6 side?
  11. I don't. But plenty on here seem to. Unless they believe of course that Fred packing in tomorrow means his replacement would immediately appoint their hero Hitzfeld. Or any other big name.
  12. Spotting good managerial talent before they become a big name isn't easy. Less make it than those that do. I think Dave Jones could be a top manager at the right club but you don't and that's fair enough. It's a shame for you that you're so immature that you make yourself look an idiot saying so, but not surprising, like. :roll:
  13. I agree, but don't expect many others to agree.
  14. Who appointed Roeder? Don't you know, like? You ask it often enough have you still not found out? BTW Which part of the second sentence don't you understand?
  15. Rubbish tbh. As I just said in another thread.... if the manager is crap it won't matter how good the Chairman is.
  16. Oh well. That's that then, Fred. Me and you both know that would never happen, appointing someone like Jones. I'm not so sure. I think he'd be a good choice.
  17. No I didn't go to the match, Im not only commenting on today, I'm commenting on what he's done this season and what he's done at other clubs. Roeder is the manager who screwed up the last transfer window, Roeder is the one who is supposed to motivate players to beat teams like Fulham, Bolton, Boro, Villa and the others and he's not doing it. History is repeating for him and Freddy. Freddy appoints managers who fail, Roeder serially fails. get out of roeaders backside and start realising the truth. he's a wank manager. The team never scored, cos HE never bought a competent striker, and HE failed at motivating them and HE failed at adopting decent tactics. simple. A very surprising reply. why? blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif blueconfused.gif I can't see anything to suggest that I was up Roeders backside, basically. You're blaming the wrong bloke basically. If Roeder is shite it won't matter how good the Chairman is. Get it?
  18. I note a post in reply to my comment about Dave Jones has been deleted. No doubt because it was along the same lines as a lot of posts the last time I suggested him as a potential Newcastle manager. What is it with some people?
  19. On what basis would you want him HTL? I just rate him highly as someone able to man manage. Like Everton seeing something in Moyes when he was at Preston, I expect.
  20. Dave Jones was the bloke I suggested and who I hoped would get the job. Terrible reaction to that suggestion on this forum, as usual. He's not a big name, you see. He's a good manager and would have been a realistic target. :winking:
  21. Good point actually, though not as you meant it. The mere threat that protests may happen could push Fred to sell up incase a disgruntled support does, as you say, affect his share price. /Oh, and *bump* for Midds BTW what does FF do everytime the share price drops? Buys more of them for himself. What does he have to do when he has reached a certain %? Offer to but out SJH/DH. Who have been desperate to offload their shares for ages? : SJH/DH. What happens when they sell to FF? He takes NUFC plc private and has TOTAL CONTROL Obvious, tbh.
  22. http://www.nufc.com/html/telegraph_stonehouse.html Thanks for making the point that the club has a good and prudent Board.
  23. If you're talking about macbeth, I wouldn't agree. He is like the previous Boards, he's not interested in what happens on the field of play, he'd have seen us relegated rather than borrow the money to sign Owen, for example. He's admitted it too. I don't believe the club would automatically get a worse Chairman, the problem is that most people DON'T realise that we could get a worse one. We've gone backward mainly since the appointment of Souness, a major poor decision. We had started to slowly go backward for the last 18 months of Robson's time. I believe the other mistake by the Board was not moving Robson on after we finished 3rd, but then not many people agree with that even now with hindsight. And of course, bringing in the right replacement is vital. Sorry, I know your reply is a serious one, but that's an astounding comment and one I doubt is shared by any of the 15,000 to 20,000 regulars during the time of previous Board's. I may be wrong though, perhaps I'm on my own. It was nothing at all to do with the state of football. The state of football was the same for every club and that has nothing at all to do with whether a Board of Directors show ambition for their club or not. All Board's of Newcastle have been shite at least since I started supporting the club right through to 1992. None of them EVER showed the kind of ambition shown by the current Board. I'm not talking here about ability of individual members of the Board, I'm talking about the desire shown by those people for the club to succeed. It didn't exist until 1992. It is an absolute no-brainer that the likes of Fred would have tried to build on the Fairs Cup win of 1969. You're right, we'll never know but everything Fred has done since becoming Chairman points toward the idea he would have attempted to build on that success. Here's where we come back to that old chestnut of you using hindsight. The previous Boards never had the ambition to appoint the kind of successful managers Fred has appointed. Why do you think he appointed people like Dalglish, Gullit and Robson? He appointed these people because they all had successful track records and he hoped they would continue that success at Newcastle. NE5 has posted some of the achievements of Dalglish in particular. It would be like appointing Wenger now, or even better than that. These were all good appointments by the Board. We all know about the bad one, but even that one had specific reasons behind it that many people agreed with at the time and only with hindsight now believe otherwise. Do you really believe constantly employing hindsight is a proper way of judging a Board? I've said it before, the same Arsenal Board that messed up by appointing Rioch got it brilliantly correct with Wenger. The same Liverpool Board that appointed Benitez made the idiotic mistake of appointing 2 managers at the same time!!! As I've said before, enough people supported the appointment and also the idea of judging Souness when he'd built his own team. I know the Board makes the decisions but the fans can and do make a difference. An earlier lack of backing by the supporters for Souness might well have seen an earlier departure of the wanker. The responsibility is of course for the Board, but those people on this forum who fully supported this spending spree by Souness should at least have the integrity to not hide behind that fact now, they should have the balls to admit that although they hate Fred for making this mistake, they backed it to the hilt and would have made the same mistake themselves. They know who they are.
  24. I disagree mate. The fact the majority on here weren't very old or even born in the Robson, Waddle/Beardsley days is even more reason to tell them how it was. I also disagree that the older people can remember the facts. Without wishing to argue with them by mentioning it, it's pretty obvious that Mick and John don't remember those days. Neither do I. But if you really remember those days are you not in the slightest bit worried that replacing the current Board, although they've made errors, opens up the possibility of an unambitious Board just as much as it does an ambitious one? I can't disagree with the second sentence, it would make sense but it is still not guaranteed. Regarding the first sentence, again you may be right. The current Board may have taken the club as far as it can and yes, we can do much better than this. The thing is though, until Souness nobody was complaining much, it does point to the problem not being the Board per se, but more one extremely bad managerial appointment.
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