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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I agree with you that Emre isn't good enough for where we want to be. While you're wondering what people see in Emre I'm wondering why, since you've spotted that with Emre, you seem unable to spot that Parker is a load of s****. I think Mr Parker will be back, but he needs time after that illnes he had. And Roeder should put him in special training, so I wouldnt write Parker off just yet. And maybe run some tactical training on him, because he has the abilities, but he doesnt seem like a smart enough player. And for god sake, we should only use him as a Def midfield. And he should be our captain, because he doesnt speak enough to the players. So I think Parker has the potenial to be a top 4 club player, but he isnt there today. We are desperat for a new manager, someone who can manage the players, motivate them, and also has great tactical knowledge. Ok, your opinion. Mine is that other than 1 good season at Charlton he's never been anywhere decent to come back from.
  2. tell you what i've just looked at that poll about this and i'm blown away that 80% of people on here would go for allardyce, i really am... this, to me, can only be attributed to dissatisfaction with roeder rather than any affinity with allardyce and as for attractive football yeah, of course, but i never want us to become consumed by winning...when we were losing the league or cups to manu i never wanted to see toon players chasing refs about screaming, or seeing players diving or whatever to get the win... to allardyce, from my perspective, it's only about winning....when have we EVER been about that? and by the way bolton are 4 wins ahead of us in the table and we've had what is to be considered a travesty of a season, whereas bolton have had just about their best season ever.... are you that sure that given time in the summer to fulfil his plans, assuming he has them, and with michael owen playing say 20 games that we couldn't do just as well with roeder as we could with allardyce? i'm not.... You cant go from a poor, boring team to an attractive team overnight - it takes years of work on the training ground. Took Sir Bobby Robson 2 years and 3 months to get Newcastle flying. Same with all new managers - results come ahead of performances Sam Allardyce has, with limited resources got a team with lower ability playing more attractive football than we are right now. The whole boring direct Bolton is a pure myth based on Bolton's first two seasons in the Premiership. Would suggest that you dont watch many non-NUFC matches. You need to get rid of your ideology, as things wont happen the way you want, even if the idea of attractive football plus results is the best outcome. PS stop permanently contradicting yourself, you do this in every single thread, and makes you impossible to respond to. But...but...but you just responded.
  3. ha ha you're making me laugh now 'cause i never said any of that at all!! what i said was "the fans won't like the guy from the off" and "if results go against him he'll retreat into his shell and fight with the press just like souness did" never said the fans would want him out at all just that we're "suspicious" of his loyalties, as i certainly am if you're gonna talk sh!te expect to get laughed at What makes you think the fans wont like him from the off? and you claim I talk s**** i honestly think people are suspicious of the type of football he plays at bolton (and i agree with you and others that our current quality is worse than bolton but that means nowt), everyone i know and have spoken to BAR NONE have basically said "f@ck that" when the prospect is raised of allardyce as NUFC manager and it's what i say too, i don't like the guy as a man or a football manager it's like that lad NE5 says about the board, same thing, we might have a bad one but clamouring for a slightly better one (in certain areas) might not be the best thing eh? comes back to the other post i made - if winning (a few more) matches is all you care about then allardyce is your man, and i thought i was missing the bigger picture It means everything tbh, which is why we are even having this discussion in the first place. Anyway, it seems you are pretty much alone on here claiming the majority of our fans will not like the idea of Allardyce as our new manager. Doesn't that tell you anything, being alone yet claiming to speak for a majority? firstly it's an internet forum pal, hardly reflective of general opinion is it? secondly my point is that because we're playing awful football right now under roeder how does that become an endorsement to sign a manager with a long history of playing awful football? even if it's better than we play right now it's still awful pal An internet forum will give a more unbiased opinion than "your mates down the pub". Its a large cross section of fans who often have different opinions and the fact the majority would go for Allardyce says a lot imo. i've always stated this is my perception of the situation, nothing more nothing less however this place is full of bairns who are clamouring for change for the sake of it the same w@nkers who were complaining about robson and saw him replaced with souness You're right about the bairns, but not the last sentence imo. Robson should have gone a year earlier and Shearer should also have been replaced. The signs were there and were clear enough. Robson should have obviously been replaced by a good manager, not a wanker like Souness, had this happened even replacing him at the time he went would have worked out ok. It's true that there are people (as you say "wankers on here") who believe any old change is going to bring improvement, it's just not the case that this is certain. Some people only see the obvious when it's too late.
  4. he provides no explanation in any of his posts, just writes off other peoples opinions If you say so. You just proved it in your post above If you say so. Small mind = small picture.
  5. ha ha you're making me laugh now 'cause i never said any of that at all!! what i said was "the fans won't like the guy from the off" and "if results go against him he'll retreat into his shell and fight with the press just like souness did" never said the fans would want him out at all just that we're "suspicious" of his loyalties, as i certainly am if you're gonna talk sh!te expect to get laughed at
  6. I agree with you that Emre isn't good enough for where we want to be. While you're wondering what people see in Emre I'm wondering why, since you've spotted that with Emre, you seem unable to spot that Parker is a load of s****.
  7. he provides no explanation in any of his posts, just writes off other peoples opinions If you say so.
  8. 'better footballer' how? he doesnt score more or assist more, he runs alot but doesnt really do anything worthwhile for all his running as if he does get a 1 on 1 it ends up wide. mackems.gif Sorry like, but that's absolute tosh.
  9. Stats didn't help Laurent Robert..... Bellamy is a much better footballer than Crouch. If you people prefer to use stats to judge a footballer then that's upto you, I couldn't give a s*** tbh, it's a good laugh. Crouch is a decent player and if we signed him I'd be happy enough 'cos he'd be an improvement over what we currently have at the club, but he's not as good as Bellamy.
  10. He was, well apart from Drogba, Rooney, Gerrard, Lampard, Boa Morte, Milner, Rooney..... Your ability to read and understand what people are saying is a real problem for you, mate. You should take your time thinking about what you're posting instead of banging out a reply as fast as you can trying to be a smartarse. You just completely missed what dcmk meant in his post but hey, we're all used to you posting rubbish.
  11. Crouch ahead of Bellamy? :cheesy: I read some funny stuff on this forum and there's another one. Each to their own like......
  12. Why should i need to watch him at st james park to know how good he is? Have you ever heard of that thing called TV? I watched him live in 99 when England played Bulgaria in a European qualification Judging by your nickname i guess in 99 instead of watching the game you were playing with your LEGO... Its irrelevant if you watched some players live or not to decide how good they are. mackems.gif
  13. Changes I'd make to this are: Sheff Wed instead of Sheff Utd Burnley instead of the nappy rippers Wolves instead of Birmingham Nottm For instead of Notts For
  14. Reminds me more of Waddle than Beardsley, tbh. Through his youth days he apparently played as a second striker rather than right or left wide.
  15. As you say, Babayaro, Carr and Bramble would need replacements. However, Luque wouldn't need replacing and neither would Parker, if he was shipped out too. we lost Faye, Boumsong, Chopra, Elliot, Bowyer and Shearer from last year, replaced them with Duff, Martins, Bernard and Sibs and the wages bill went up. But that was also probably Souness's fault ? Eh? wtf are you on about now? Why are you asking me this at all? But since you have once again shown your obsession with money ahead of maintaining our status as a PL club, are you saying you think the club should have kept Faye, Boumsong, Chopra, Elliot, Bowyer and an over-the-hill Shearer to help keep the wages as they were?
  16. Aye, but he's fat and eats pies so he deserves criticism no matter what he does. Not bothered by him being fat. Am bothered by his general incompetence, deceitfulness and stupidity. Err, it was more a general comment. BTW I guess it's Fred who has loads of cash stashed due to being a successful bloke. I imagine he's more successful than you or I, for example. I doubt he would be at all concerned at your assessement of his intelligence and character, which given his level of success I'd say is another incorrect conclusion posted in this thread. I'm plenty successful, thanks. Although I do so enjoy your ill-informed speculation. As bad as me sometimes. Didn't say you weren't, nor did I say I wasn't.
  17. Stats tell you very little, that you think they do means you should stick to golf. He's hopeless. He's on his arse half the game, he slows down our game like nobody I've ever seen because he has no reading of the game, anticipation or vision. He doesn't know what's around him until he's got the ball and takes a look, it's why he continually spins full circle. A quality player in his position often moves the ball straight on without controlling it, they act like a wall, the ball is moved on at speed with just one touch because they know what they're going to do before the ball even reaches them. You can disagree with me and I won't call you an ignorant fucker for doing so. That's your style. Cheers It is not Parkers fault that our team have a total lack of movement. Ever thought that Parker has to do his spins because NO ONE is moving? Also, I believe that you (maybe not literally you, but the Parker hating bandwaggon) have been saying all season that Butt's passing is superior to Parkers. You CANNOT argue with the stats that says Parker is the better passer. Yes I can argue with daft stats that show Parker can pass better than Butt because stats don't tell you anything about the pass. The passing ability of Butt is not the best but it is vastly superior to that of Parker. Butt often does exactly what I've just described above, he regularly moves the ball on quickly. Parker hardly ever moves the ball on without taking about 3 touches at least, it is simply not good enough. That he can accurately find someone probably no more than a few yards away after that 3rd touch doesn't mean he is a quality footballer. That Parker puts in more tackles than Butt doesn't show he's a better tackler, it just shows he has to tackle more often, which rather than saying he's a better tackler could just as easily mean his reading of the game and anticipation are worse than Butt. There are all kinds of ways to interpret stats and people will interpret them the way that suits their argument, which is why they should in the main be ignored. The best way to judge is to just watch the football and leave the stats to those who don't really have a clue.
  18. Aye, but he's fat and eats pies so he deserves criticism no matter what he does. Not bothered by him being fat. Am bothered by his general incompetence, deceitfulness and stupidity. Err, it was more a general comment. BTW I guess it's Fred who has loads of cash stashed due to being a successful bloke. I imagine he's more successful than you or I, for example. I doubt he would be at all concerned at your assessement of his intelligence and character, which given his level of success I'd say is another incorrect conclusion posted in this thread.
  19. You're basing an opinion on supposition, not fact. Ok we had £50m to spend but Roeder decided he just needed one striker, one lanky old midfielder a left winger and a young stirker on loan. You got me. wtf are you on about? The signing of Duff is not the reason why we didn't sign a LB or CB. As this is seemingly the reason you and others believe Duff was a poor signing, I'd say your conclusion is flawed because your logic is incorrect. Well we should have spent time and money trying to sign a left back or centre back. No flawed logic in that (awaits the excuse that it was Campbells life long dream to play for Harry at Pompey etc etc... then the "just because Roeder didnt want to sign x,y and z doesnt mean he is wrong" s****!") FACT is we signed a left winger and we didn't sign players in more vital positions. As much as you wish to excuse this the signing of Duff was a poor decision when as said the time and money could have been better spent elsewhere! If my sister had just got run over by a car and I ran in the house to get her a plaster instead of calling an ambulance would my decision still be correct because at least I managed to stop the cut on her finger from getting infected? I don't give a s**** about whether or not Campbell wanted to play for Portsmouth. You don't grasp the unavoidable fact that .... 1. The manager chooses who he wants to buy and if that's not who you want the club to buy doesn't make the signing s****. 2. You can only sign a player who is available and who wants to join your club. Signing Duff was a good signing because it is a good thing not to rely on a young player who has only had one decent season. You and others can bang on all you like about this but a good player became available at a good price for a position that is notoriously difficult to fill with any quality. I would be unhappy with this signing if it was fact the signing was made instead of signing a striker, a LB or a decent CB, but that is simply not a known fact no matter how much you may want it to be. It's pretty common knowledge the club had bids in for various other players that for one reason or another did not happen. Those reasons are f*** all to do with the signing of Duff. If hypothetically everyone on this forum agreed that this summer we need to sign (in this order) a LB, CB, CM, and a forward it does not mean that if we only get the CM and the striker that these signings are s*** because we didn't get the LB and CB as well. The quality you want has to be available and has to want to join your club and that's the bottom line. It's not an excuse, it's a fact. There it is, your apparent get out clause "just because the manager didn't sign the player you wanted doesn't mean it was a s*** signing" no but the fact he hasn't signed any quality defenders in 2 transfer windows means that he has failed. You can witter on about how hard it is to get players but players for positions we want have moved and some have for very reasonable prices to very modest clubs. I expect you to carry on hiding behind the "we don't know this, that and the other" but everyone else can see where we have failed. It's not a "get out" clause and I knew you'd latch onto that, given your limited ability to debate a point or even to understand the point someone is making. You can say Roeder failed in the transfer market because he didn't bring in defenders but that is another topic, this does not make the signing of Duff a shite signing.
  20. Aye, but he's fat and eats pies so he deserves criticism no matter what he does.
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