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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Howaythelads

    Sunday gossip

    I think Barton is over-rated too, but he's still better than Parker. Selling Parker and replacing him with Barton AND putting money back into the kitty is a good deal.
  2. So how come you didn't post it then? Paper talk is what you normally post on here. As far as I can see someone beat you to it, that's all.
  3. Howaythelads

    Sunday gossip

    We could sell Parker and not miss him in the slightest. It would a dream deal to get £10m for him.
  4. How about I just didn't notice it....... I like your last paragraph. It's my recollection that the other day you kicked off the PM exchange by sending me a PM that I shouldn't have responded to but I did, thus you carried on for the rest of the evening. Yes, yesterday I started an exchange with you by sending you a PM that was a joke. You can post it on the forum if you like, as long as you don't change it I'm sure everyone will laugh when seen in the context of you sending me loads of PM's the day before. I won't feel as though I would have to post your PM's to me, so don't worry about the content of the PM's you sent to me, especially the first one.
  5. to be fair mate, he wasn't there either. end of the day Liverpool fans aren't ENTIRELY without guilt, Police aren't ENTIRELY without guilt, the Hillsborough stadium isn't ENTIRELY without guilt. Liverpool fans were wrongly accused of a greater portion of guilt than was rightly theirs and have since been exonerated. They persist in their claim for justice.. but quite what justice they're searching for eludes me, they're no longer considered entirely at fault for the disaster... so unless they want a daily apology from the police and the Sun Newspaper... I'm not quite sure what their ubiquitous claims for justice would demand? but then again, Liverpool fans like to (ironically) see things in black and white. TT and a few other idiots on here were ignorant of the obviously still painful memory.... and should be mocked for it, but the scouse reaction is f***ing ridiculous. Just because one or two knuckle draggers haven't the common sense to taper their opinion for a public forum they've coloured us all as "C***s" and worse... I'd say out of all of this the Liverpool fans are coming out looking the more f***ing stupid. At least Newcastle fans (on the whole) appreciate the trauma this tragedy has caused the liverpool psyche. You try and get a sensible balanced opinion from a scouser.. you're more likely to get change off a scot. Good to know you think people with a different view to your own are idiots, ignorant, knuckle-draggers and should be mocked. Given that f***ing pathetic attitude I don't know why I should bother replying, but I will. If you read the posts properly I think you'll find that what most people are saying isn't that far from your own view. I've stated that what pisses me off is that the Liverpool fans will accept NO responsibility at all. They want to blame EVERYONE ELSE. I know the Police got things wrong too. Everyone accepts the Police made mistakes. In fact, I actually detest the Police force in this country and would never back them up just for the sake of it. The point I'm making is that in this instance the Police were placed in the position of making these decisions by Liverpool supporters who should never have been at the ground in the first place, they were trying to break down the doors to gain entry to the ground. It began with them and that is their responsibility to bear. Had a number of things happened differently the tragedy would never have happened, the Police got things wrong, yes. Similarly, had the Liverpool fans not been trying to break into the ground the tragedy would never have happened. Don't expect to see a Liverpool type admit it though.
  6. from reading this thread id say that was completely wrong. I agree. He's not a shit WUM.
  7. Howaythelads

    Aaron Hughes

    He's not a world beater that's for sure, but he'd do a job, he has experience, shouldn't cost much and would perform immediately. We could do worse. Like another Boumsong at £8m, for example. It would allow us to spend more money on a striker and probably allow the club to bring in another defender too.
  8. Nobody is asking for someone to be banned. Make it up as you go....dum di dum di dum dum........ I won't post the PM's mate, I have integrity. I won't even post the date and times either, which would be enough. So you know you can get away with your lies about this. I know I sent you a PM yesterday. You know what was it said and you know why I said it given the flood of nagging PM's from you the day before. There's a clue in there for you, mate. I doubt your mates are interested as they'll believe you in the blink of an eye, but if it comes to it I'll be ok with sending examples to one of your mates to clear up the lie you're now trying to spread. The first one from the other day should be sufficient, or have you forgotten what you said in it? Then the follow ups should be enough to show why I sent that ONE yesterday. Hypocrite! Me? Bloody hell.
  9. Good job we didn't get Parker directly from Charlton then, thank god for that wasted season at Chelsea. Probably how Liverpool and Tottenham fans felt about Newcastle in the good old days, eh. Kennedy/McDermott, Waddle/Gascoigne. Just like Charlton, a selling club with the ambition of staying in the top flight. I'll get me coat........ So you named 4 big players that we sold pre 1992? Let be do the same for post 92... Cole/Hamman/Woodgate/Jenas. Well again, it was meant to be a joke but never mind. I realise jokes are allowed only from certain members. :roll: Cole and Woodgate were sold because the club wanted to sell them. They weren't banging on the exit door desperate to leave as far as I'm aware. The Jorman was sold because he fell out with the manager and Jenas is well, just Jenas. He couldn't hack it here and who gives a shit that he left? In direct contrast, the four I mentioned all left despite wanting to stay at Newcastle. Like other players before them they left because they all had ambition to win things and they all knew Newcastle United didn't have that level of ambition. They also all left before reaching their prime and they all went on to become top international footballers at other clubs. Thanks for helping to highlight my point with your examples. I still don't think you'll get it though, Thompers. You have some kind of mental blockage on this mate. Unlike some others I don't think you're stupid but for some reason you won't see the difference in circumstances. Either that or you just don't believe it.
  10. Aye, he's following more than one person around right now and screwing up threads. Flooded me with PM's the other day anarl, completely out of the blue, like. He has his 'supporters' though, who will stand by him no matter what.
  11. Are you trying to sound like an arse bandit, like? Yes, why are you looking? Is that why you PM'd me today but didn't pluck up the courage? Good for you. At least you can admit to something. Still too shy to ask? Tbh I barely understand what you post. You should try punctuation, mate. Oh well thats me told, sorry dad (or probably old enough to be grandad). Not sure what my age has to do with anything being discussed here. Do you have a problem with people older than yourself, mate? I do believe I have been put down for my age before by yourself, so thats a little hypocritical. So your long term memory works. I'm pleased for you. Least you didn't try denying it this time. I'm always honest, mate. Unlike some.
  12. Didn't realise he had such a decent record... ...I suppose with better service he could be excellent, but £9 million is still a gamble we can't afford to take at the minute... Top goal scorers 05/06 Scorer Goals Team Thierry Henry 27 Arsenal F.C. Ruud van Nistelrooy 21 Manchester United F.C. Darren Bent 18 Charlton Athletic F.C. Robbie Keane 16 Tottenham Hotspur F.C. Frank Lampard 16 Chelsea F.C. Wayne Rooney 16 Manchester United F.C. Marlon Harewood 14 West Ham United F.C. Craig Bellamy 13 Blackburn Rovers F.C. Yakubu Aiyegbeni 13 Middlesbrough F.C. Henri Camara 12 Wigan Athletic F.C. Didier Drogba 12 Chelsea F.C. You think he is a gamble? as apposed to who at 9 mill ? But does his character and personality 'fit' at Newcastle? So he scores loads of goals at another club, doesn't mean he'll do it at Newcastle. I think we should be looking no further than the likes of Gateshead, Blyth, various pub teams and Sunderland for new players. Well maybe not Sunderland, that's stretching it a little........we do need some quality.
  13. Whats that got to do with anything? its quite sad that an article leads you type such a pointless rant about spurs. Sad beyond belief. Jeeesuz H Christ lad, do you want to go back over some of your previous posts and rethink that one? oh ok so hes just retaliating to something i posted a couple of months ago :roll:. I was responding to: The fact we get more Spurs fans than mackems on here, especially if they string a few results together, makes them a bit of a running joke. Perhaps you should have quoted it then. There are plenty of people on here who struggle to understand the most obvious, imagine how difficult it is when your post has no quote and doesn't directly follow the one you're replying to.
  14. Good job we didn't get Parker directly from Charlton then, thank god for that wasted season at Chelsea. Probably how Liverpool and Tottenham fans felt about Newcastle in the good old days, eh. Kennedy/McDermott, Waddle/Gascoigne. Just like Charlton, a selling club with the ambition of staying in the top flight. I'll get me coat........
  15. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/Howaythelads/bin.jpg
  16. Howaythelads


    Freddy been round for tea again? I am Fred, pea-sant. :winking: wait...he'll check out every possible meaning of "pea-sant" then be back.... spending more time over here aint he ? A step up in the world.
  17. Good post, tbh. Just about sums it up, but they'll never admit to any responsibility for anything. It's always down to someone else. F**k me boys, like we're angels? I was in the Gallowgate when that Charlton player (name escapes me) got bottled and coined as he was stretchered off with a broken leg. I was at away games aplenty when the Zigga Zigga Zigga Shoot That Nigga chant was sung (and by thousands, not one or two). But I've also been at away games when I look back now and realise how f**kin close our lot have come to a Hillsborough (once at Hillsborough itself, once at Spurs, once at Forest) because of the combination of fences/pissed up fans pushing from the back/sheer weight of numbers/totally ambivalent policing. F**k me, which away following of any size in the 80s wasn't full of pissheads? So, if you accept all I've said there, answer this question: do you think we would just "leave it alone" if 95 of our lot had been crushed in 89 - alcohol or no alcohol involved? And do you think we'd just sit by while the bloke who accused us of pissing on our own dead - and repeated the accusation 17 years later - then gets a prime slot on the BBC? No. Who said that? They piss me off because they refuse to accept any responsibility for what happened, despite playing a major part in the cause of the tragedy and they did play a major part in my opinion. I don't think the fact it was common to see drunken people at football matches in the 80's is very relevant to that point, mate.
  18. Howaythelads


    Freddy been round for tea again? I am Fred, pea-sant. :winking:
  19. Howaythelads


    Speak for yourself, mate. I know what's going on. :winking:
  20. Was he signed in 2006? August 05 Ok, worst signing of the decade then. Has to be Luque. Then Parker.......
  21. ffs, why don't you just put everything into one thread. It's January, most threads are going to be about transfers apart from the usual (ironic) rants about the Board being shit, Roeder being shit or Fred eating a family sized pie all on his own. :roll: Forum police, or what.
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