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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Going back on the topic of national anthems. I love the Italian one so much I've gone and learnt the words on youtube so I can sing along before their next match! Also like the German one too.
  2. Italy have by far the best National Anthem in the world.
  3. pedro111


    You're embarrassing yourself. What does this have to do with Africa on the whole? Are you thick? If I knew how to post the fishing rod smiley from my phone then I would. Was just winding up the winderupers tis all. Oh right. Well thank goodness for that because I was beginning to get very very worried. Don't get me wrong mate I fucking hate these shite horns but I would never call for a blanket ban on all African Nations!
  4. pedro111


    You're embarrassing yourself. What does this have to do with Africa on the whole? Are you thick? If I knew how to post the fishing rod smiley from my phone then I would. Was just winding up the winderupers tis all.
  5. pedro111


    I wish the people defending them would just give it up man ffs. They are diabolical, there are no positive aspects to them whatsoever. Infact if the fans don't take heed of our warning then I think that a blanket ban not only Seth Efrika but on all African nations for the next WC is perfectly in order.
  6. pedro111


    If this is what we can expect at games on the African continent from now until the end of time then I genuinely hope that they NEVER get to host another World Cup ever again. Like already said, the African fans who choose to blow these things are showing themselves up as nothing more than thick as mince, moronic mugs.
  7. pedro111


    I hope im wrong but I have a feeling these are going to be on mass sale here in Europe next season. If they catch on here then im never going to a football match again.
  8. pedro111


    They are ruining this WC for me like. I mean, honestly why the fuck would you want to blow on one of those things for 90 minutes? Its a complete joke. Cant hear any singing or anything. Ban them now. Could you hear any singing the during England game at all? I couldnt tell cause I was down the pub.
  9. Brilliant that like :thup: :thup:
  10. USA were playing Great Britain??
  11. Took you long enough to post! Keep that shit until the next England game. Get some mileage on it. I was talking about yours!
  12. Fucks sake Mike, that fuckin av.
  13. I honestly just fucking love Jonas. Its mint seeing him in that Argie team. Just a shame hes playing at fullback. Would lob him off tonight if I was with the Argie squad.
  14. These horns a fucking shite, I mean honestly whats the fucking point in them? My heads done in already ffs. Sing songs man, they are better.
  15. I remember being giddy with excitement when I heard that a Billionaire had bought our club.
  16. "David Goldblatt, embarks on an assortment of adventures into the meaning and madness of the game. He travels to four very different football games in Italy, Egypt, Ghana and the UK, to experience the build-up and pitch action from the perspective of the fans." Cheers , Still think its a bit daft like.
  17. After reading that I am still a bit confused as to what this thing is all about.
  18. Superb random first post bump from HBC! Welcome!
  19. I hope Rooney gets injured before the USA game so they can fly Shola out there. He deserves his chance.
  20. You know, considering that Ginola got absolute dogs abuse everytime he returned with Spurs and Villa; its amazing that he still loves the club and his great things to say about the city and the people. Top bloke!
  21. Haha caught the last five mins of the USA/Turkey game and the crowd were chanting "Bring on England!".
  22. Off the top of my head, roughly this but I've probably missed a few out: Have you seen her googly eyes?, Have you seen her broken nose? Have you seen her goofy teeth? have you seen her double chin? Have you seen her saggy tits? Have you seen her big fat gut? Have you seen her raggy gash? have you seen her knobbly knees? have you seen her two left feet? Have you seen her walking stick............. Aloutte, Geordie Aloutte................... Baldy heed Googly eyes Broken nose Goofy teeth Rubber lips Double chin Saggy tits Big fat gut HER RAAAAAAGGGGGGYYYYYYYYYY GASSSSSSH! Knobbly knees Varicous veins Two left feet Zimmer frame Pension book Think that's the lot... Aye mate thats spot on!!! Actually, Walking stick aswell!
  23. Just dusted off my Gasgoine 1990 and Shearer Euro 96 shirts for a few wearings over the summer!
  24. Will there be a new home shirt at the end of next season? Maybe that one will be better.
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