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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Quick question for anyone watching freeview, how the fuck do I get rid of the 'sport home' red button thing in the top right hand corner? Its been pissing me off for ages but i cant get rid! Cheers.
  2. It grew on you too, huh? Whats the other WC song? I like that one too. Only heard it when Apisith posted it. Univision has been all Shakira. I just watched the Shakira one, its a pretty good video like. The one I was on about was Wavin' Flag by K'naan. Thats class.
  3. It grew on you too, huh? Whats the other WC song? I like that one too.
  4. Geremi might provide some lolz I've seen enough lols from that cunt to last me a lifetime.
  5. Newcastle are looking to sign Nicolas N’Koulou. Really?
  6. England can't lose. , Yeah spose.
  7. Please someone say something to get me interested in watching the Denmark/Cameroon match tonight ffs.
  8. I hope so! Did you pay for the course? Been reading up on it and it sounds as though you can do it for free if you do it through a college. Nah I got it free through college. Good luck to you though if thats what you want to do.
  9. Totally agree. He's class for England, man.
  10. For the next Euro's I think we need to just say fuck it and go the Argentina/Maradonna route. Put a legendary, substance abusing, off his rocker ex player in charge ie Gazza and let the players get pissed up every night and then just see what happens. Gotta be better than this shit ffs.
  11. I did the first one about 10 years ago and it was absolute fucking rubbish. Might have changed now like.
  12. You know, I was just an 8 year old kid sitting two feet away from the screen bawling my eyes out as England lost on pens to West Germany in 1990, my earliest football memory; what I wouldnt give to have that team playing on our behalf this year.
  13. Why do our players have zero close control? Our skill and technique on the ball is beyond woeful.
  14. http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/9381/41798970usa416.jpg The colonies always has time for the old boss! I will fully disown England forever if Mike can recreate that scene with himself as the mad guy, take a pic and post it in here.
  15. I thought you were from Blyth?
  16. That performance tonight was straight out of the Newcastle United tactics book circa 2004-09.
  17. I saw the USA play and Mike's capitulation on here and thought to myself 'at least we wont be as bad as that tonight.' And then that just happened.
  18. This England team should have their bank accounts and property seized by the government immediately upon return to England. Let the fuckers sleep on the streets ffs.
  19. Even the worst teams in the tournament seem to have more skill on the ball than us. We look sunday league at times.
  20. Fuckin hell, LBW posting in the football section!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111 :frantic:
  21. Yes, the fat scouse twat. Get Ameobi on a plane NOW ffs.
  22. This would be class if it wasnt for the wizards sleeve collar. Should be neck hugging.
  23. Assuming England wins the next two. Which they will because they are a footballing powerhouse.
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