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Posts posted by M4



    Correct decision.


    The only problem was the fact play carried on for like 30 seconds then he brought it all the way back.  Can't stop the play evey time a player goes down in the box either though

    The replay shows the ball deviates slightly which means he touched the ball. They fucked up.


    Touching a ball slightly doesnt mean that it isnt a foul..

    It means he won the ball so unless it was reckless (or he does something else like pull the player down with his arm) then aye it literally does.


    No it doesnt. The follow through clips Griezmann's legs when he is clean through. 100% penalty.


    The follow up had about as much purchase as a hair. I'm sick of this whole contact=foul nonsense. The game's dead when fans of the game are perpetuating this bollocks.


    Absolutely this.


    And the football climate is the main issue with VAR beyond the breaks in play. We're not going to get more fair decisions but instead delve into more minutiae to justify bullshit decisions on penalties and justify players throwing themselves to the floor.

  2. I mean Ramos defo didn't think, "im gonna put his shoulder out here". It's just a foul, typical snidey defending

    Exactly, it's opportunistic cuntery.


    But when you do that constantly, and are very much "that kind of player" then the odds of an outcome like today are higher.


    So it's also only logical that he gets blamed.

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