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Posts posted by M4

  1. If he does play regularly, it will be very interesting to see what sort of output he has. It will finally answer a few questions.


    In this sort of situation you'd normally say that if he does well he'll be back full of confidence for us next season, but regardless he won't have a future with Rafa I can't imagine.

  2. I wonder at what point so much of a club's "soul" is destroyed that it becomes nothing more than a brand? None of us would devote this much time and emotion to Levis or Coca-Cola.

    I was with you all the way until you mentioned Coca-Cola.
  3. Neymar apparently booed for the penalty that was his 4th goal of the night because he didn't leave it for Cavani who would have equalled or beat (not sure which one) Zlatan's goal scoring record for PSG.


    So the team wins 8-0, star player scores 4, assists 2 and everyone is pissed off.


    [emoji38] [emoji38]

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