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Posts posted by M4



    Tbf, regardless of your views on the penalty decision - after all of the time in-between the decision, then the sending off, Szchesny coming on, there's a lot of time to think about it, let people get in your ear and end up fluffing it. With all of that in mind it's an absolutely incredible penalty from Harry Kane.




  2. From the debate on here I was expecting the incident to be more controversial. Having seen the images, and as much as I would enjoy seeing Real get screwed over don't see how you can't give a pen there.


    The Buffon red card seems exaggerated though. Ref grandstanding?

  3. They won more games in their 38 Premier League games last season than they have from their 38 Championship games.




    What a stat that is. First time they've started to look adrift in the table also.

  4. That bunker Hitler NE5 moment is one of the all time forum moments [emoji38]


    'da fuck is that all about? [emoji38]

    Went to YouTube looking for the video after I posted that, but couldn't find it :(
  5. Was thinking the same. There's a replay where you see him look up just before the extra touch. At that point he would have seen a completely empty goal and surrounding area. Can only imagine he didn't feel confident enough in his body shape and in that split second decided he had time to be extra sure of his finish.


    Surprising because he's normally a very nimble finisher.


    Thank fuck, though.

  6. Gayle paying the price for all the ridiculous dives.


    His card is marked.

    He did it once. [emoji38]


    He's done it on 3 occasions.


    I'd gladly see our players get banned for diving. It's frustrating though that his card could be marked when so many other players have done it with impunity for years.


    One just in the opposite team that. There is such a high likelihood of this game hinging on a soft contact on Sanchez

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