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Posts posted by M4

  1. “Large parts of it I was pleased about”

    “I’ve seen enough to be encouraged"


    That sounds like what the guy coming in after Bruce would say one game in after inheriting that mess :lol:


    What the fuck does that even mean?


    So only teams in the bottom half have bad runs?


    Its generally teams with a shite manager in my opinion.


    Yeah, he's justifying being shit by the actuality of being shit.


    It's quite brilliant

  3. He actually lost and still with the same 30odd percent possession.


    It's absolutely outrageous :lol: :lol:


    Still, it barely makes much difference if he goes or not. Ashley will just take this fanbase on another merry go round.




    Said it the other day, he goes then what ? Some other daft c***?


    Let the f***ing place burn  :lol:


    Mike appoints competent people when we’re up shit creek (Kev, Al, Rafa)


    And he appoints buffoons when things are stable


    He also levels them out. Giving money to the tragic managers and nothing to the better ones.


    Like a handicap system designed for optimal 17thage.

  4. He actually lost and still with the same 30odd percent possession.


    It's absolutely outrageous :lol: :lol:


    Still, it barely makes much difference if he goes or not. Ashley will just take this fanbase on another merry go round.

  5. Surely it's just recentism that would see the appearance of comments about him being worse than Pardew.


    At the same time, I feel much more unconcerned about Bruce's failings. If anything questioning why people have the energy to form such opinions about the man. When he was hired it was clear what the ambition for the club was, if it wasn't already before that.


    He is indeed fulfilling his remit.

  6. This cunt is getting away with quotes like that because fans aren't allowed to go to games and express their feelings.


    Yes, it'll be absolutely fantastic when everyone goes back to just filling the stadium every game and wasting their time and money on this organisation.

  7. dont have the brains to work out where to play them or how to build a team around them.


    SBR and Keegan would have had a field day.


    Just plop them on the pitch in preferred position. Done.


    Ironically a Robson or a Keegan would get the absolute best out of those players whilst also not needing them as much as they would be capable of building a team dynamic anyway.


    It's just a complete mindfuck :lol:

  8. It's absolutely fascinating how a Bruce, or Pardew can't find a way to just let the St Maximin and Ben Arfa types loose on the pitch when it's exactly the type of player they need to conjure up a goal or assist out of the absolute nothingness that their tactics generate. And in the process potentially save their arses time and time again.


    What is it? Have to treat players equally, no special treatment? But then they're full of bullshit and inconsistencies on a daily basis already anyway.



  9. Bit random maybe but I've had this quote from Bill Burr written down for ages that he uttered on one of his podcasts when talking about Maradona and trying to remember his name. It was just so funny and perfect:


    " The Hand of God guy, that guy. Diego.


    One of those names, the second they gave him his name, like pussy is going to be raining down on this guy.


    It was weird, he was in shape but he also looked fat.


    Diego Aregamo ?"

  10. There's no excuse for allowing that level of cliche crap to be said unchallenged after these last few years. Takes quite something to get me to feel passionate about nufc these days, but seeing this was so very triggering :lol:


    Lawro can absolutely go fuck himself. What a cunt.

  11. Hopefully that means he won't be working for The Sun any more.




    First thought, question that came to mind also. Apparently that is indeed the case - good. Caulkin confirms in a tweet.

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