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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. I believe Thommo tbh, I think circumstances, including the death of Sir Bobby, have put the brakes on a wee bit, but I reckon his info is pretty solid.


    You have no reason to believe him,  he has yet to provide any evidence at all that he has a source  ITK.  He is just making it up as he goes along.


    If he was "just making it up as he goes along", then surely he would have made up an explanation as for why nothing has happened yet, wouldn't he? On the contrary, he doesn't go along at all, but maintains that the information he's provided was correct, in face of evidence to the contrary.

  2. You'd like to think that even without a new manager/ owner that this will lead to us signing a couple of players - and sharpish. Although these sales were enivitable it must be a bit demoralising for the rest of the players. We'd better wrap the players up in cotton wool ahead of Saturday or we'll have no defence or strikers.


    Only players with no other offers will sign for a club in our situation.

  3. Does not compute!!!!!


    This Barry Moat fella shows up on google and everything. Doesn't even seem to be an anagram of anything!


    Actually, it's an anagram of "Arab My Rot".

  4. I think what we need is to get this thread to 333 pages. Half-way to Hell, like, that's where the takeover will tale place. You know it makes sense. Or as much sense as anything else going on around here.

  5. :thup:


    Hating Ashley for what he's done to the club is totally fair, but to leave a message basically wishing he died of cancer is just going over the top and not necessary at all.


    As if Bobby would want want such a disgraceful message left at his memorial.


    I don't see anything wrong in wishing a painful death for Mike Ashley -- it's only wishful thinking, after all, and does no harm.


    The problem is that it's written down and displayed in such a disgraceful manner, smearing the commemoration of Bobby Robson, a true gentleman. It's totally unnecessary, and in exceptionally poor taste.



          I know every body was excpecting everything and I was one of Thomos protector but the reality is. We are not gonna be sold before the weekend. We are about to sell 3 players and buy only two. Based on who's recommendation only God Knows. Thats what Keith is thinking and it seems they are on top of this but unfortunatily for us and our beloved Newcastle there is no quick fix for this.



    What makes you think we'll buy two players? And who would come to this club?

  7.     I like the deadline idea at least it will give us three weeks to sell and sign players. Friday is a D day...   






    Whenever there is the slightest bit of news in the media, you seem to think it's a D-Day. :idiot2:


    Hey now, as long as it's summer, it's always a good time to invade the beaches of France.

  8. Dont read too much into what the Chronicle or the Gazzette says, as I have stated everytime I trust my ITK 100% and he was told of DL of the situation, all they have said is No Comment, does that say we are not going to be taken over by a Dubai Consortium (Not DIC, that is speculation, not by me) a takeover should be done quietly not on the back of a North East paper, I still expect things to go through, I am not backing down from my original post.


    Lets just wait and see, we have waited for such a long time now, another couple of days wont do us any harm.


    I've never doubted your honesty, but now that I have to picture you writing this in your newly bought Mackem shirt, I'm starting to lose my faith.

  9. Btw this rumour must have reached every Newcastle fan. Getting texts from my Newcastle supporting mates all reporting Thomo's rumour.


    About time for the papers to get a hold of it soon then :)


    "Not Invented Here" syndrome.

  10. SSn are right up Ashleys shitter and won't report anything negitive about him, as soon as the club is taken off the market SSN will report how poor Mike has been shaffted by time wasters and he feels its best for the club now if he tries to get in a manager that can keep us in the Championship.



    They won't do anything to make stories and access dry up.



    What stories?

  11. Beye, Martins etc ''wanted to stay''


    They're important first team players in a club with no ambition playing a league below where they know they can be. Krul is an up and coming young keeper second in line only to Steve Harper. He's got a real chance here, and not much more if he moves.

  12. Maybe DL thinks the employees are also scum?


    Or maybe he hates your source/mate so he's winding him up by telling him porkies?


    The possibilities are endless.


    It's not that unlikely, tbh. Thomo's source has leaked information before, and Llambias may want to use a suspected mole to release false information to the net and the media, if he feels the need for a smokescreen.

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