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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. You'll always find some trait that makes someone seem like a polar opposite of someone else. Allardyce played boring machine football; let's bring in some spirit and enthusiasm; Keegan was too spirited and too much his own man; let's bring in a clown who's so desperate for the job that he'll take all kinds of shit without protesting, like when we sell our best player in the January transfer window without even making the profits available for transfers; oh shit, the clown had a dodgy heart, let's bring in someone young who has a real heart.


    Et cetera.

  2. the sportsdirect.com one is flawed because its actually promoting his shop and "we're supposed to be boycoutting that".


    I've always thought you're something of an idiot, so I'll just repeat that: idiot.


    you're trying to give free advertising to a person you despise and im the idiot? if you put SPORTSDIRECT.COM on a banner seen by (potentially) millions of people then he'll be delighted.


    Ashley has already given himself tons of free advertising on St. James' Park. Somehow, this has coincided with the club's income going down, despite making a profit on transfers. Coincidence?


    We're just trying to make sure the link between SportsDirect.com and FAILURE is pointed out for everyone. Ashley himself established the link, we're just making his point clear.


    Then again, you probably do understand that.

  3. the sportsdirect.com one is flawed because its actually promoting his shop and "we're supposed to be boycoutting that".


    I've always thought you're something of an idiot, so I'll just repeat that: idiot.

  4. Ideally he'd stay, yeah.


    But it's pretty unrealistic to expect it though should an established Prem team come in for him.


    We should make a point of not getting relegated this Sunday, he'll probably stay then.


    why is it suddenly unrealistic to reject a bid?  tell arsenal to beat it, he's not for sale?  or whoever else


    it's how you work the player that matters, man-management - again people are acting like he's an established international for whom it would be unthinkable to play a division down, bollocks


    Reject a bid? Ashley?

  5. Skjelbreid's movement on and off the ball is excellent, and is something we completely lack in midfield. He's a player type we need, and he's good enough. Wouldn't mind Huseklepp as well, as a more good-natured replacement for Bellamy: a supporting striker with pace, creativity and good movement.



    Thing is, he's looked like he's worth it for the last chunk of the season.


    I know. And I bet we used the money to plaster SportsDirect.Com all over St. James' park.

  7. Nicky Butt's passing looks worse because there's no movement in the team, and most of the other players are hiding. He's not all that good, but at least he sometimes will take some responsibility. You can't say that for the rest of the lot.


    Should they always mark the keeper or the corner flag like?


    They should make themselves available and not shirk their responsibilities. They should run when they see a through ball coming. They should run into space instead of holding hands with their markers.

  8. Nicky Butt's passing looks worse because there's no movement in the team, and most of the other players are hiding. He's not all that good, but at least he sometimes will take some responsibility. You can't say that for the rest of the lot.

  9. Unless you've started shitting crystal balls you're not basing anything on fact re: how successful we will be long term under Ashley. You're being offensive in order to make your disagreeing with me appear more valid. Which basically means when you call me a "fucking cretin" for expressing an opinion it's a bit of the pot calling the kettle, wouldn't you say?


    "how successful we will be long term under Ashley" can't possibly be related to fact, you drooling idiot. Facts concern reality, not potential. And fact is, we have had no success under Mike Ashley, and there's no sign we will ever be. Those are the facts. Any thought of future success is plain wishful thinking. You call it "opinion", others will call it for what it is: inane, cretinous drivel. That's name-calling, and that's fact.

  10. The most shocking stat is that Stoke have only slightly more than half as many successful passes as we have. They'll be relegated next season.


    Edit: Of course, they spend most of their time on long throws.

  11. Sorry, I've never seen you being critical of Ashley. All I've seen have been "you realise money going into the club pays for other stuff too?" when someone points out that money isn't being spent on players, which was what the comment he responded to hoped for. That's an apology for Ashley's lack of actions. Support. Not criticism. Similarly, pointing to the previous board having employed managers with health problems (which they had overcome) as an apology for appointing Joe Kinnear! Similarly, support for the alleged transfer policy of buying "players that are right", with all the evidence being in quotes from Mort instead of actual action. Fact is, we haven't bought players that are right, and you support it. You're a fan, and that's all.

  12. so, again, just because i was critical of keegan bottling it im a full on ashley fan? its worthless logic.


    No, you're an Ashley fan because you've persisted in supporting Ashley through all of this mess. That's what fans do. By definition. As a tautology, it may be claimed to be "worthless logic", but nonetheless it's true.

  13. 1) Blaming the board "in equal measure" when Ashley appointed all of them.


    From what I gather Ashley wasn't sat with Llambias on his knee with his hand up his arse. Ashley delegated the running of the club to him. He turned out to be shit. Yes, that's partly Ashley's responsibility but it's also Llambias' responsibility.


    I've never said Ashley is blameless. Just pointing out that others are equally to blame.


    Ashley appointed others to sign players. Those they did sign were hit and miss. Colo was a monumental waste whereas Bassong was a bargain. The biggest issue with transfers was not who we signed, but who we failed to sign.


    Yes, Ashley appointed Wise to handle that task... he failed... Ashley has got rid of him. He put his faith in the wrong place and has now rectified the situation. What more would you like him to do?


    Once more, I'm not saying Ashley is blameless... but there needs to be some personal responsibility from those who were left to do their jobs.


    Ashley was out losing money on the stock market/roulette table/expensive bars when most of this was going on.


    He's not running the place, he owns it.


    Yes, sure. But blaming Llambias for being a shit chairman of a football club is like blaming Ali Dia for not being a Premiership football player. It's correct, but when it's at that level, you have to question those who hire them.


    As to what more I would like him to do: I'd like him to fuck off. Sell the club, preferably at a price that reflects its loss in value since he took over.


    Also, there's no sign that Ashley has rectified anything.

  14. Luca, you're fucking delusional.


    1) Blaming the board "in equal measure" when Ashley appointed all of them.

    2) Keegan: ditto.

    3) Joe Kinnear: ditto.

    4) The players: Ashley was the one who turned Newcastle United into a selling club, he was the one who decided Dennis Wise should have the final say on transfers, leaving us with a lopsided squad with no backup players in important positions.

    5) The fans. All other clubs have fans. Liverpool and Manchester United seem to do well enough despite the fans protesting. If he can't handle the fans, then he's got absolutely nothing whatsoever to do in the world of football. The club may add that to their "Fact" list.


    Add to that "signs of Ashley improving". He just made a profit in the transfer window while fighting against relegation, ffs. And no, appointing Shearer too late in the season in a fit of desperation isn't improvement.

  15. I'm just hinting at the fact that you, as the most persistent ashlicker on the site, would still be wrong, even if a total of 80% of the comments in the thread are based on unfounded speculation.

  16. it was the perfect time to start a new era and new direction, he wanted good youth system and foreign scouts and such but why the fook did he bring back someone from yesteryear.



    He did it to bring in some enthusiasm and hope so that he could sell more season tickets.

  17. And Keegan probably knew full well the "structure" wouldn't cope with him quitting. Didn't stop him at all though did it.


    That's just you imagining things. There's no evidence for this whatsoever.

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