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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. True, our players should have done better. But if the manager got to sign players instead of a snide swine in London, then perhaps the squad wouldn't have been totally unbalanced. Perhaps we would have two right backs and two left backs. Perhaps even a capable winger as a replacement for James Milner.


    I believe that if Keegan had grown a pair and stayed anyway, we wouldn't be getting relegated either.


    Sure. But neither would we if Ashley & Co didn't fuck up every decision from then on and until Shearer was appointed manager for the last 8 games. If Keegan knew them to be that incompetent, then he was right to resign. If he didn't, then surely he can't be held to blame for our pending relegation.

  3. Down now. Just need some real investment in the summer to get us back there. It CAN be done, but it'll take a lot of money.


    Ashley isn't going to invest anything in the playing side of the club.

  4. Remember, kids, to go back and rub the original lucky cock in the first picture, not a later quotational lucky cock, all of which are to be considered effigies and false gods.

  5. I hope the wages of Geremi, Viduka, Owen, Barton and Smith alow us a few quid for transfers. That's the best part of 300k a week.


    Is Geremi's contract running out? I can see us getting rid of Barton, but not Smith. No one will buy him, and he's on a ridiculous five year contract or something.

  6. I remember being at a pub full of Liverpool supporters, watching us playing at Anfield, going 2-0 down, and then Bobby Robson doing one of his inspired triple substitutions. It ended 2-2, with us looking most likely to score. Felt like a victory.

  7. Everyone need a reality check IMO.  A couple of weeks ago Lovenkrands wasn't good enough, a couple of DAYS ago Martins wasn't good enough.


    Viduka wasn't fit to wear the shirt after Xmas, now he's our best striker.  :kinnear:


    I think what Souness meant when he said Newcastle was like living in a goldfish bowl was that Toon fans have a five second memory span and forget a player's qualities as soon as he has a couple of poor games.


    It's true that Jonas can't cross. It's also true that he can skip past players as if they weren't there. If only the other players would help him out when he's done all he can ... like, team up or something. Instead of running away to hide behind the opposition, like most of them do now.

  8. He's not our biggest problem. But if we're going to make use of him, we have to build the team around him. We need a hard working forward with some pace and a similar attacking or box to box midfielder. We also need a winger on the opposite side who can and will cross, unlike Duff.


    The fact that people in Newcastle would not watch the shit Bolton have churned out over the years.


    TBF to the Bolton fan, we were just as shit to watch under Souness and Allardyce as Bolton are. Under Kinnear, often even worse.

  10. I think he's more likely to succeed if he invites the Middlesbrough and Fulham squads into his castle and then murder them in their sleep. I'm not suggesting anything.

  11. The fat lady is drawing her breath.  :weep:


    Wouldn't say that but she's definitely checking the time-tables North.


    She's humming and warming up her vocal cords, man.

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