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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. fucks sake not even finished the game yet


    Couple of stats, just been on the radio. When Hull have scored first, they've never lost so far this season. When we've gone behind first - we've never won. Oh joy.

  2. this kind of shit appearing in the papers almost every day probably gave the "general impression" most fans seem to have about an imminent massive spending spree;


    "A source close to the United owner told the Telegraph today that Mike has told Keegan he has a "bottomless pit" of money at his disposal as he attempts to turn the club into an exciting, attacking force capable of challenging English football's big four.


    Telegraph also reveals that the Tottenham striker Jermain Defoe, Chelsea winger Shaun Wright-Phillips and fullback Wayne Bridge, Barcelona's Deco, Celtic's Scott Brown, Bayern Munich's Belgian centre-half Daniel van Buyten and Manchester United's Wes Brown are among Keegan's first transfer list in January."


    Oh, come on. Even though that nonsense is a genuine quote, no one believed any such thing. Most supporters expected more than we got, though, as that was what we were made to believe.

  3. If we get a proper thumping from Manure and lose to Hull, they may have better goal difference than us as well as being at least 4 points ahead, with Wigan, Portsmouth, Middlesbrough and Sunderland coming up.

  4. Middlesbrough have about 9 winnable games left (including against us), Blackburn, Portsmouth and Stoke 7 or 8, we have 6 at best (including Middlesbrough). Statistically, we should go down.

  5. Interesting opinion. One that just seems to pluck any possibility out of thin air with no regard to how probable it is in reality.


    Do you have experience of employment litigation issues? To be offering such wildly improbable scenarios i'd hazard not.


    "Lets give him 12m out of court so we dont have to give him 9m in court".




    I assume he might not get the full £9M, even if he wins.

  6. If the club had a leg to stand on they'd take him all the way. The out of court settlement is on the table because their case is flimsy, as seen by the very public contradictions, not because they want to avoid upsetting the fansa again.


    Exactly. A court case will also make the facts of the situation public, whereas a settlement will come with a gag order for Keegan.


    Why would Keegan accept a settlement if he could get more in court? As well as getting his chance to tell the fans of the club he supposedly loves what happened?


    Why do you think he would get more in court?

  7. Exactly. A court case will also make the facts of the situation public, whereas a settlement will come with a gag order for Keegan.


    No one can gag Keegan unless he agrees to it, and the only way he will settle quietly is if his case isn't watertight (which it obviously isn't).



    A settlement is an agreement between the two parts, so Keegan will of course have to agree to it. But you have no reason to assume Keegan will accept it only if his case isn't watertight. They may chose to pay him more in a settlement than he could expect from a court case, rather than risking a PR disaster, and Keegan might think money is worth more than publicly humiliating the people at the club. We don't know.


    But basically, a settlement means the club think they may have more to lose by letting the case go public, and that Keegan think he has no more to win, or small chance of it, by taking it further.

  8. How the hell was Nolan going to predict Anichebe's leg would be in such a perfect stomping position when he left the ground? There was absolutely no time for that. He misjudged the situation and landed on his leg, that's all.


    So why did he jump at the ball with his two feet? Unless he was about to show us some sort of ball control that had never been seen in the premierleague. He was never going to get the ball with that sort of movement. Regardless whether he was to get the ball or not, it was a criminal challenge.


    He didn't. I've been looking at the "tackle" frame by frame from the only video I could find on the-video-clip-site-one-must-not-name (downloaded via keepvid.com and converted to still images), and it's clear to me that he gets in between the player and the ball, but Anichebe launches into a tackle at the same time. Nolan also bends his knees to minimise the impact, which he wouldn't have done if he'd meant to injure him.

  9. Butt was immense today. Constantly positioned himself well in midfield, made some good tackles, kept possession when needed and put the ref under pressure just like captain should.   :clap:


    That's the kind of situation Butt can get away with; he just trundles around and gets in the way to good effect.


    When we have to actually pass, move and play he's utter dogshit.


    Until Nolan went off, that was exactly what Butt did.


    Actually, he did for the entire first half.

  10. All he had to do was say Joe was only ever seen as an interim appointment, and if he keeps us up we'll be grateful for that. But we feel in the summer it's time to go for someone who we feel is capable of taking the club forward in the long term.


    No, he can't, or he shouldn't. He has to show that he's got the utmost faith in him, just like Keegan did with the players. Confidence means a lot in football, for the manager as for the players.

  11. Confirmed by Llambias today then. Awesome.


    “Joe has incredible experience.


    “He’s got incredible vision and he’s a good man manager. We think he’s a good fit for us, he’s realistic of what he’s looking for.


    He’s what we are looking for. Whether he takes the contract, we don’t know. And if he doesn’t we’ll review the situation and we’ll go out again and find somebody else.


    “Joe is a football man, he’s qualified. We have confidence in him. Joe will do a good job and he will get us out the crap we’re in.”


    TBF, he's only supporting his manager. It's not like he can go out and say "no, Kinnear is something of a clown and we obviously didn't know what we were doing when we hired him. We'll get rid of him sharpish". He probably sends deep-fried Mars bars to Kinnear at the hospital.

  12. <b>bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision</b> after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision after bad decision.


    W T F ?!  :rant:


    We've done these so far.


    Question is how Willow got hold of Mike Ashley's business plan.

  13. I want him out, but not dead. If the situation is as dire as it seems, he should probably be put down.


    No compassionate at all you lot from over the other side of the water.


    "Look, Tooj, no point feeling sorry about Kinnear. It's a kindness. Like a blind old incontinent sheep dog, he's had his day. Take him out to the barn with a double-barreled shotgun and blow the mother away. And I'm only saying that because I'm so fond of him."

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