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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. it isn't stability that brings success, its success that brings stability.



    I like that quote.


    Yes, but it's not true. Blackburn is a good example. Success took years of stability for them, but the success wasn't followed by stability. It would be more correct to say progress brings stability.

  2. If you can only judge a team on merit of its individuals, you can't judge a team at all. Shearer, for instance, scored 22 league goals in 2003/2004, while "individually" not being the great player he once was. He still contributed more to NUFC that season than Owen has done in his whole career. Why? Because he had Bellamy to make runs, Robert to cross the ball, Speed and Jenas to support from midfield, etc.


    The current first team has loads of individual quality, it just lacks the qualities needed for being a good team. There's no one to create chances, for instance.

  3. Best in 4 years then? January 05, the window we signed Boumsong and Babayaro.


    Id still argue that this first team would give the SBR 04 team a run for its money. My opinion anyway.


    What? Shearer/Bellamy vs. some striker combo that just doesn't work particularly well? Robert vs. whatever winger we have who can't shoot or pass (all of them), our current spineless midfield vs Gary Speed in combination with Jenas, Dyer, Bowyer, and so on? That's a team with a hell of a lot more fight in them, and many many more goals. The current team wouldn't stand a chance. All we have is a theoretically better back 4, injuries permitting. In reality, the current team has let in 37 goals so far this season, whereas Woodgate et al conceded 40 in total the whole season.


    We may have a first team that may look better on paper, if you disregard the fact that we don't have a single player who can shoot from outside the box, not a single player with decent off the ball movement, not a single player with any aggression up front, no one to hold up the ball, and no one to go on runs so that the ball can be successfully laid off again. We've got a bunch of decent players, but our first team is shit.

  4. Am i reading this right? You want to risk the future of the club just to force out the man who could change it all, even though he;s given us the best first team in 5 years?


    What best first team in 5 years? The purely theoretical first team that never did anything of note? Some people made the same argument for Souness. And his first team was theoretically better anyway.

  5. :lol:  You know exactly what I mean.


    Before the penalty that never was, Blackburn didn't look like they stood a chance. The goal brought them to life, our heads dropped, and it's been downhill ever since. The penalty changed the game.


    A couple of years ago, under Bobby Robson, we used to come back and win games after a goal against. For some reason, it rarely happens under poor management. Weird, isn't it.

  6. Souness managed to turn a good team into a shit one. First through performances, then by alienating and selling the best players.  I can't see how any of the others have done worse. OK, second half away to West Brom was a pretty good performance, but apart from that? Also keep in mind that we're still struggling with rebuilding the squad he dismantled.

  7. The system that has given guiterrez, guthrie, beye etc. If it wasn't for the 'toys out of the pram' protests, we could have had a real manager in with a real aim in mind. Instead we have JFK on a temp contract.


    Give all the money you can give but who would want to come to a club that is in pieces, going nowhere, fans who will jump on your back immediately, barely surviving and up the shitter? Look at kaka and man city. Newcastle united is not the attractive club it once was, and that is not all down to Ashley.


    Beye was an Allardyce signing. "The system" has brought us Bassong, Guthrie and Jonas while failing to adding more bodies to a threadbare squad.

  8. So he's a bit passionate. He's not the first and won't be the last. I'm not excusing him but he's not that bad.


    Keegan is also passionate. Doesn't make him behave like an idiot.

  9. Roeder > Kinnear


    Roeder was the worst manager we've had for years IMO. If he was a school teacher the kids would be firing pellets at his arse through a pea shooter every time he tried to write on the blackboard.


    I disagree


    So do I. The team played much better looking football than under Souness and Allardyce, and had no worse results. Remember us holding Manchester Utd to a 2-2 draw with a defence consisting of Solano, Taylor, Huntington and Edgar? Sibierski up front? Hell, even Pattison got a few minutes. Our squad was even worse then than it is now. Roeder's main problem was that he was incapable of getting good players in.

  10. What frightens me is, Alan Smith's first big injury basically killed him as a player.


    Now, having come back from another long-term injury, will he be (gasp) even worse?  :undecided:


    It will be like in the cartoons, where a blow to the head leads to amnesia, and a second blow takes them back to normal. At least, it was worth trying.

  11. Erik Huseklepp doesn't have a good goals to games ratio at 4 goals in 60 apps.


    never heard of him though


    As an attacking player, he's not unlike Jonas, with a poor goal and assist ratio, but with pace and an impressive ability to skip past opposition players -- but unlike Jonas, he doesn't track back and defend much (although he's been improving). Erik Huseklepp is only a pseudonym, though, his real name is Inconsistent: at his best, he can rip through teams like Deportivo La Coruna, at worst, his passing and crosses are like Geremi's set pieces yesterday. There's a chance he might succeed, but I think he's more likely to fail.

  12. Jose really can play himself out of difficult situations with some very slick short passing moves (with Jonas especially) but when it comes to a simple forward pass it's just unbelievable!  :doh:


    According to Yahoo stats...44 bad passes yesterday


    He was also the player making by far the most passes, according to the same stats. This tells me he supports the other players far better than they support him.

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