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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. A) aye but ashley trying to sell conflicts with every other piece of evidence that we have about his intentions. thats why i dont believe it, not because it was printed in the papers. why would he focus his rebuilding on the youth team, buying young talent and improving the academy if he was looking to sell? surely he would have tried to get more proven players to imrpove the team if that was the case.


    Just what exactly is the massive work he had put into the academy?

  2. It is the structure that has failed. The people working in it have brought in some good players, but I'm sure they could have done that if they were working under the manager instead of the other way around. On the other hand, the structure as it is is a recipe for conflicts between the man in charge of the first team and the people bringing in players to the team. You may say it would be fine if the team manager was more of a coach and a yes-man than Keegan is, but then there is the question of whether such a person will have the players' full respect. The structure won't work, and so far it hasn't worked. That's a fact.

  3. He had only signed a contract a year earlier. If, like you say, Milner should be paid as a 10m player then should he take a pay cut when he inevitably suffers a loss of form and plays like a 3m player? Should Smith be paying the club money because he's so shit? You sign a contract, you honour it. If you don't plan on honouring it, don't sign the fucking contract. And it wasn't even like Milner deserved a new contract - he was only a decent player in a mediocre team and actually missed the team's best run of the season!


    Sorry, but the world just doesn't work that way.

  4. Keegan knew how Ashley wanted to work when he joined the club


    When Ashley said no to spending shedloads Keegan has walked


    Ashley wanted to make Newcastle a stable club, and once the debts are fully cleared i'm sure he would increase the transfer budget


    Keegan wanted to have Newcastle carry on as we have done for years, buying big names on big wages, and putting the club into further debt


    All of that is, at best, bullshit.

  5. I feel for the guy.


    Took us over with the best of intentions, but fucked himself over when he appointed a greasy little cunt like Wise and expected him to work well alongside someone like Keegan. Basically his heart was in the right place but he's managed to make a mess of it.

    I seriously don't think think it's the personnel that has caused the problem (despite my avatar). They've done a great job in bringing in good players for reasonable money, the problem is that they haven't been the right players, or, rather, the right players have been missing. That is what happens when the manager isn't in charge of player recruitment. We now have a squad with three left wingers (I count Jonas as one) and no real right wingers (Geremi is no longer one). Instead of finding the best players for the team, they have been finding good players for the team to make the best of. That might look economical up front, but I doubt it will bring the best return of investment.


    Naturally, this is a recipe for conflicts between manager and board.

  6. Statement from Ashley.


    Basically saying its his intention to sell, a fairly emotional statement. He bought Newcastle because "he loved football". He's putting the club up for sale.


    Feel a bit sorry for him. He did some good and some very bad, probably all with no ill intentions, but in the end he'll probably have made more money on it than I will do in my entire life. Good riddance and no grudges.


    [edit] And now sell up and get out quickly, you big fat cunt.

  7. the club say keegan joined the club agreeing to this structure.



    why should i belive either ?


    Why should the club then go on to lie to the fans, and have Keegan do the same? Why not just say that we've got a fantastic modern set-up with world-class scouting and fantastic negotiators: Keegan only needs to say which type of player he wants, and they'll dig him up from somewhere.

  8. That's not a reason as to why they would bring someone in behind his back though, is it.


    I reckon it's pretty safe to assume that both sides wanted more signings than we ended up with.


    Why do you think that didn't happen?


    We had made a number of signings, everyone including Keegan was saying that there was money to spend, even before we'd brought any in through sales, yet as you say, we ended up only adding a loan signing and an U-21 striker. Why did things stop working towards the end of the window?


    One of the stories circulating was that Keegan was enraged when told by Wise that the Schweinsteiger transfer didn't happen because Tony Jimenez didn't want to sign him. Which seems like a reasonable response. So I think it might be true, since it would explain why Keegan flipped. Problem is, it's still just speculation, and I don't have any solid facts. It just fits the pattern I'd expect: first having to deal with an unwanted situation beyond his control (Milner) then a major blow (Schweinsteiger), and at last being pissed around for no good reason (Xisco and Nacho). Before that, he must have been disappointed with the slow progress on the transfer market, especially as there were people working "full time" on it.


    Poor communication has probably been a part of it as well. You don't get so easily disappointed if you know what to expect.

  9. Most people seem to assume that the board just started doing transfer dealings without Keegan's consent out of spite, deliberately to try and undermine him and force him out of the club. I'm yet to see a convincing argument as to why they would do that?


    My guess is that, probably among many other niggling things, Keegan felt massively let down when after he'd been convinced/forced to sell Milner, and told the fans to judge him after the last day of the transfer windows, he got only a loan signing they hadn't even bothered telling him about and a very inexperienced striker, making him look a right cunt.

  10. Yeah, due to lack of spine and poor performances from the old lot.

    It's a team game, and although the new signings are OK, they have only barely improved the first team. An injury to either Coloccini or Jonas, and we're worse off than we would be last year with an injury to Faye or Milner.


    Which of the new signings were crap today?

    The left back we didn't sign.


    Which of the new signings have shown signs of being crap since they arrived?

    The replacement for Milner.


    The recruitment is fine. Now we just need to give them a gaffer to bring it all together.

    Wouldn't it be better if the man bringing it all together had some say in what he was supposed to bring together, instead of just buying a bunch of "brilliant" discount players and hope they all would gel?

  11. This match has pretty much settles the internal debate for me.


    Keegan vs. the Ashley setup.


    There's not a single one of the purchases this summer that look to be bad signings. We haven't broken the bank and we've improved the squad no end. It still may be early to be judging those players but the quality of those brought in seems to be high right from the off.


    The recruitment system works. Now we just need a manager happy to work within it. If there are no 'big' names willing then do an Arsenal and sign a relatively unknown, promising, young manager/coach.


    Keegan isn't necessarily in the wrong or the bad guy, but he wants changes that the owner isn't willing to make - and I agree with Ashley in this instance. The recruitment/development setup needs to stay and be built upon.


    Sorry to break this to you, but Newcastle lost today, man.

  12. Thanks a lot Keegan!


    Thanks for ruining everything. If you are going to make it known you are interested in the Newcastle job, then make sure you have all the details first and don't quit after 3 games.


    I hope today's result made you feel really good about yourself.


    I hope it gave you that ego boost you were after.


    Fucking embarrassment.


    Allardyce would probably have lost that game with that squad as well.

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