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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. i wouldnt have said much different score-wise, but then again im not being paid shit loads to have an opinion like he is so  :iamatwat:


    And then again, Lawro isn't paid to give accurate predictions, just to spout some shite that may spark discussion. If his predictions were much more accurate than random guessing, he wouldn't be doing such a brilliant job.

  2. Good first half, but went completely missing in the 2nd, hardly had a touch. However that's not to say anyone else was any better.


    We pretty much bypassed the midfield in second half, he couldn't do anything but chase the opposition, which he did more energetically than most of the other players.

  3. "UAE Sunderland supporters club and long time friend of Dennis Wise, where they were both in the Wimbledon youth team before Khalifa went onto make his cash"


    Who's been fucking with wiki then?


    I don't know, but his IP address is Yes, the bit about Sunderland was added today.

  4. As I've said before (even though I got shot down for it), this isn't true. Neither is the claimed £2m compensation.


    You were asked to back up your claims, which you never did.


    Which I will not do on an internet message board.


    Care to inform us a bit about what the truth of the situation actually is, then?

  5. Completely fail to see how revelling in anothers misfortune could possible benefit in any way, especially as it is in opposition to the widely accepted concept of 'What goes around comes around', or, 'As you sow, so shall you reap.'


    Considering the state of our own club empathy might be a far more appropriate response.


    Karma doesn't apply to Schadenfreude. If it did, there would be no other joy left in the world.

  6. You really wonder what those behind the scenes, who are more in the know, are actually saying about this in private.


    A bloke stays away from his usual line of work for 3 years, and runs his own business. That business runs into a bit of trouble, and he then accepts a job back in his usual profession, under conditions that he wouldn't usually accept. After 8 months of intermittent trouble, he storms out, claiming he's been sacked and refusing all attempts at reconciliation. He's then into his employers for £8 million compensation.


    Would such a person normally be hailed as a great man of principle?



    I'm surprised you didn't start that comment with 'It is a fact', tbh.

  7. Deportivo's Riki getting a yellow card for protesting after a dubious offside decision, and then handballing in the box just a couple of minutes later. They will probably win anyway.

  8. No, people are disagreeing with it because it was evidently not true. Those 20 millions are nowhere to be seen.


    Because it is being used to pay wages and installments for players like Owen and Luque.


    No it isn't, wages are well and truley covered by revenue, same goes for remaining payments on signings.  Look at our accounts before he took over, we were making small loses (by small I mean a few million).  Since then TV revenue has increased £20 million a season and our wages have, if anything, gone down not up, plus there are now no payments to make on the stadium.  So where has all this extra expense come from?  We've gone from making small loses with a revenue of £88 million to needing £125+ million per season to pay the bills?, what happened did he leave the lights and gas on?  The mans a bullshiter!


    Since everybody else is conveniently ignoring this comment, I'm just going to quote it.

  9. What rubbish. All the rewards from Ashley's investment in the club will be his own. The club is worse off now than when he bought it. Debt free? Big deal, the new owners may still take up a big loan to finance the club, like the Glazers did with their club. They could still have paid it off if he didn't do it. In short: it doesn't matter that he paid the debts off. What matters is the fact that he left the club in the shit.


    Dear Mr Bank Manager,


    I know there is a credit crunch and whatnot but please could i borrow 350m to buy Newcastle United?


    Your sincerely,






    I'm sure someone like the Glazers will still be able to get a huge loan if they ask for it, if not 100% on the club value. It probably helps having other assets than a Newcastle-Online account.

  10. What rubbish. All the rewards from Ashley's investment in the club will be his own. The club is worse off now than when he bought it. Debt free? Big deal, the new owners may still take up a big loan to finance the club, like the Glazers did with their club. They could still have paid it off if he didn't do it. In short: it doesn't matter that he paid the debts off. What matters is the fact that he left the club in the shit.

  11. So because a minority of people don't fully understand where Geordies really come from, it is alright to call people who have nothing to do with London, cockneys (even when you actually know where the cockney boundaries do or don't lie)? Strange argument.



    The basic rule is that you can call any southern prick a cock(ney).

  12. Still a matter of principle though isn't it? Or are you saying principles go out of the window depending on how good the player is?


    Btw the majority of fans thought we needed a striker as top priority.


    The principle is simply: is the manager allowed to manage, or not? If Keegan felt Coloccini and Jonas were players he needed, then why should he complain? For all we know, he might even have complained, and then conceded they improved the squad and got on with it. No manager expects to operate in a vacuum.


    And btw this top priority striker has so far not played in a single game we haven't lost.

  13. Jose Mourinho? How about Bobby Robson?


    If you're not happy having players bought for you then he should have gone when Jonas arrived, not on the day after the transfer window closed which was the worst possible time.


    If it was any other manager the fans would want him hung by his bollocks.


    The situation is a bit different when you have a presumably world class striker forced upon you and not some unknown Spanish U-21 player when there are several other positions in desperate need of strengthening. For Keegan, it would be hard to get results, for Mourinho it would be harder not to.

  14. We could have had a world class manager in but the masses got what they wanted and that was for ashley to leave. Live with the consequences . . . . . . and remember its only a short term solution!


    You seriously think a "world class manager" would have wanted the job? Answering to Dennis Wise and some Casino guy?

  15. Perhaps there should be a question mark after the title?


    Nigerian tycoons ready bid for Newcastle


    Four Nigerian tycoons are finalising a bid to buy Premier League club Newcastle United and could ask fans' hero Kevin Keegan to return as manager if they succeed, the businessman leading the bid told Reuters.


    Newcastle United owner Mike Ashley put the team up for sale two weeks ago, having fallen foul of the fans after Keegan resigned saying he did not have full control over the buying and selling of players.


    Chris Nathaniel, a London-based businessman who runs football and entertainment consultancy NVA Management, said four Nigerian entrepreneurs were ready to put up the cash to buy the club and that their bid was being finalised.


    "We're at the stage now where our end are doing the relevant security checks on the individuals who have the money," Nathaniel, who is coordinating the bid, told Reuters.


    "We have a lawyer here who is doing those checks before finally submitting a bid to Newcastle," he said by telephone.




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