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Bad Mongo

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Posts posted by Bad Mongo

  1. "Sources close to Rosenberg suggest that Newcastle have the player on their shortlist but are waiting to see how other potential deals pan out.


    A source from the Norwegian club told the Chronicle: “What is interesting is that Newcastle are still following Skjelbred and are preparing to lodge a £4.5m bid for him if their bigger transfer targets slip out of their hands.



    For once I hope Oliver's right


    He's wrong. Or, rather, he spells Rosenborg wrong.

  2. We've just sold Rozenhal and Emre, released Carr, Diatta and Ramage, and are trying to get rid of Ameobi. Of course we're not starting the next season without signing any more players. Sniffer's "if" is "true", but only in a twattish sense. His point is stupid and irrelevant.

  3. and tonight rosenburg beaten off the team at the bottom


    There's something very wrong with foreigners following the Norwegian league. Do you also, perchance, know the number on the morning train from Edinburgh to Falkirk?

  4. Just following the rules, all football action is copyright of the respective leagues, regardless of who takes the clip. It is like taking a video camera to the cinema.


    Even a photograph taken during the match is copyrighted.


    Hardly. You own the rights to your own pictures, and the FA can go fuck themselves. The problem is twofold: The "performers" (that's Nicky Butt et al) have the right to consent unless the recording (photo/video) is for private/domestic use (meaning you don't actually have the right to publish); also the FA can claim copyright for whatever they want and have the site shut down without having to prove a damn thing. They still don't own the rights to your pictures, though, they just happen to have far stronger legal protection, and much more money, than any common citizen.


    I think that's a good reason for not pretending they have more rights than they do have.

  5. Good question. I'm not sure about the answer, but culd be:

    The last seasons Rosenborg (RBK) have made many changes in the squad, and some in the staff. They have needed some time to get the new players in the RBK-playing-system. But RBK is a club everybody expect to win allmost every match. So the media and even the board got impatient when some bad results showed up. Some sacked managers/coaches followed that. . . (Heard it before? :angel:) and RBK struggeled even more to find back to their playing-system. In the summer Erik Hamrén started as new manager. He was hired many months ago, but had to finnish the season (and win the league) with his Danish club Aalborg BK first. It's obvious he have done some planning about how to manage RBK before started the job. Because the play and results have had a good progress with him now.


    Oh, come on. "Some" changes in staff? They've owned the league for 13 years, and when they couldn't get immediate success after changing manager, they changed again. And again. And again, when immediate success wasn't followed up the next season. And again. Most of the time with inexperienced managers within the organisation. Meanwhile, other clubs have built on what they had, and with better results. It's too early to say whether Hamrén will be much of a success -- he might win the league this year (possible, but not all too likely), but will he be sacked if he doesn't win it next year? An efficient system, and stability, is what made RBK into what they were. These days, they don't have the former because they lack the latter.


    I quite enjoy the situation, myself.

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