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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Can't actually believe what I'm reading tbh. Actually condemning Shepherd for selling a player that was effectively injured for two years for £13.4m, making a £3.9m profit in the process. Idiots.
  2. Oh fuck off man, £13.4m for a bloke that didn't play for 2 years after was fantastic business from Shepherd.
  3. Woody for the Toon mackems.gif mackems.gif How ridiculous "So Jonathan, what persuaded you to sign for Newcastle?" "Well, I'd spoke to Arsenal and Liverpool and, although I liked their offers, none of their fans created an online petition. Champions League football isn't a priority for me, to be honest"
  4. haha, stevie turning his vitriol to Villa now. Seems anyone who even has a slight go at Newcastle isn't safe
  5. "The bairns"? cringetastic.
  6. Erm, yes? Yawn. What a stupid post to be honest, I meant he was garbage in that he wasn't what he was, in that he's overrated by far. Not that I meant to compare him to footballers with the playing ability of the conference. Would be nice to see what YOU think of him though, and not what YOU think of other people's opinions. Whoever said it, I agree, his workrate is his best attribute. Like I said over on TT, just because he isn't the player he was doesn't mean he's shit. He'd walk straight into our team. There are plenty of players around the world that "aren't what they were". Doesn't mean I wouldn't have them here though.
  7. Have you even seen Beckham play? He works he arse off. And Emre grafts consistently? Please.
  8. Bluf's talking out of his arse. If Beckham's garbage, what's Emre? Sewage?
  9. He won't. Only slightly better than the other retards
  10. It's almost as if they've got nothing to fill the pages with.
  11. Sima

    News: Test

    HTT's posts are boring, long winded and well, just plain drivel Does it work?
  12. £7m? ffs what a waste of money that would be. Every opinion you ever have from now on in is now invalid.
  13. http://www.chrisruzin.net/images/uploads/dancing_boy.gif ?
  14. Didn't even get past the first "rule" tbh Who decides what players are worth?
  15. Really? He's one of the last players I'd take off their hands. He's finished, and hasn't the legs in the Premiership. I still think he isn't suited to Chelsea's style of play having been shoehorned into a side used to a different formation. In another team I thing he'd score a shitload I'd take the swap considering Martins is knocking 40
  16. Sima


    LW/ST AM/F LC FM FUCKING LEGEND WOOHOOOO!!!1111!!111!!1oneeleven
  17. Sima


    He'd better hurry up because Emre won't be here that long.
  18. http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/images/eastenders/characters/roy_e/char_royevans.jpg
  19. From Warrington? He probably means fat, ugly talentless whores tbh
  20. Sima

    Sunday gossip

    Ah I see, considering he's the same age as Essien was in his last year at Lyon I can see your point.
  21. Sima

    Sunday gossip

    24 year old Michael Essien?
  22. Cover for Milner? Are you taking the piss? He's miles better than Milner ffs
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