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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima


    Yeah, just forgive him if he threw it away in the last minute eh. Tis allright, he's only a kid eh?
  2. Duh Ventura alluded to him playing alongside this player linked and Taylor tbh
  3. Sima

    Sell Given ?

    How the fuck does that automatically make him one of the best in the league now. Just speaks volumes for how shit our keepers have been.
  4. Sima

    Sell Given ?

    Bullshit How to argue your point, backing up your opinion....... Can't kick, can't command his box, absolutely FUCKING WOEFUL at penalties and in general no presence whatsoever. He's just a shot-stopper, that's it. I've made my feelings on Given heard pretty often.
  5. In order Nothing. No, they're both nothing but average defenders protected by some fans due to them being "local" (one of them is from Greenwich btw) Edgar is nowhere near good enough to be a regular starter. Our defence was a fucking shambles on Monday ffs, some people mustn't have even seen the game.
  6. Sima


    Because he scored a goal? Everyone blatantly forgetting he tried his best to throw the result away in the last minute by trying to take Ronaldo on?
  7. Fucking hell, I didn't think you were serious Edgar a regular starter :D seriously, just go away eh.
  8. hahahhaaa, suggesting Edgar should be anywhere near the first XI when we have a fully fit squad :D
  9. Aye, that's the only reason he wouldn't pull on a black and white shirt like Jesus fucking wept.
  10. I had a stint coaching an under 18s female beach volleyball team. What would you like to know?
  11. Sima

    Tony Adams

    HTT manages to contradict himself and doesn't use the 87489372487389 word bilgefest as normal. Improving.
  12. Sima


    Can't believe some people are wanking over a defence that managed to let Man Utd have a chance from every single corner. If it wasn't being headed by a Man Utd player it was going right across the face of goal. EVERY FUCKING TIME MAN, hence 2 goalline clearances, countless free headers. Oh and don't even get me started on how much space Rooney seemed to find between the two morons in the middle. Absolute miracle how they didn't score more. Honestly man, wanking over a defence that shipped three goals to Everton on Saturday
  13. I'm sure Shay would be delighted that the person who thinks Ibrahimovic > Henry thinks that he's not one of the league's top keepers. As for the bit in bold, fuck me, is that the best argument you can come up with? Christ Almighty. Show me a quote where I have said Zlatan is better than Henry If the fact that he hasn't been snapped up by someone better was my best argument it would have been the first thing I mentioned. It wasn't so it isn't. In short, get a clue.
  14. 28? Still marked down as a "promising" player?
  15. I was at that match I laughed tbh Next time you cross a road let me know so I can push you in front of a bus, laugh then piss on you. Cheers
  16. What a surprise, all of the cretins who have Given as the best keeper in the league need to have a word with themselves tbh Can't kick, can't command his box, no conviction when coming through a crowd of players and tries his best to dive OUT of the way of penalties. He's a good shot-stopper. That is all. There are at least half a dozen keepers I'd have in front of him and probably even closer to a full dozen. If he is that good why hasn't he been snapped up by another team? Haahahaahahahaa, fuck me sideways. Just seen Harper as an option :D
  17. Wigan was a sell-out, was it not?
  18. Sima

    Shay Given

    You need sectioned. I can't work out whether people who say he's the best keeper in the league and one of the best in the world are pissed, retarted or maybe both. The fact that you have that useless fucker Parker in your avatar speaks volumes. If you think Shay's shite, who in the squad do you actually rate!! Some of them must make you physically ill!! If I was to say the word Babayaro, would that cause you to have a fit or something? Where have I said Shay was shite? Get a grip ffs.
  19. Sima

    Shay Given

    You need sectioned. I can't work out whether people who say he's the best keeper in the league and one of the best in the world are pissed, retarted or maybe both. The fact that you have that useless fucker Parker in your avatar speaks volumes.
  20. Sima

    Shay Given

    Given so fucking over-rated.
  21. Haha, here we go again. Mongs on here really baffle me. Not even wanted by fucking Levante yet some people would welcome him back with open arms. Seems no-one has learnt anything from the absolute shitfest that is the Bernard scenario. Cretins.
  22. I remember Boumsong having a balance of 20
  23. ahahahahahahahahahahaaahahhahaaaa Seriously, get a grip. Taylor is no better than the utter mongs that fill our defence at the minute Ramage has got zero ability, other than the ability to look like a gormless spastic with the pace of a snail
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