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Everything posted by geordiedean

  1. God I despise Adrian Chiles he's so fucking clueless and about as interesting as a bucket of shit
  2. Not fucking Lawro man....should have put a skirt on
  3. Shearer secretly thinking I'm sat next to this cunt
  4. Holland v Belgium would be a cracking semi....like England v Scotland for a place in the World Cup final
  5. Would love last 4 of Colombia,France,Belgium and Costa rica
  6. Why would he fly from Austria to Manchester then travel to Newcastle...Newcastle airport not accept flights from Vienna then?? Or maybe charnley could only get him cattle class Easyjet to Manchester then cross country train to Central....fucking bunch of cheapskates
  7. Yet again so near yet so far for the underdogs. The usual suspects hit the QF stage, all group winners into the QF so far too Hoping for a USA win to break the trend
  8. Fucking lawro man what a cynical horrible piece of shit
  9. Lawro will get canned for his should of had a skirt on comment
  10. If we haven't signed a striker by the end of July then I'd put my house on this lump coming back
  11. A club football shirt isn't a fashion item though is it. It's a casual item that most people will wear to go to the game for sport lounging about the house or with a pair of jeans
  12. Friday will be epic...stocked up on beer and munchies already
  13. Imagine shagging sholas sister every time you seen her face all you could imagine would be eating an apple on a bike..and that stupid fucking grin after he's scuffed yet another shot hopelessly wide
  14. Gotta say in that pic with the shirt on she looks quite hot and some tits on her Has her friend got a freebie ride along too
  15. Chiles....someone's going to pay BIG MONEY for Ochoa.....he's a free agent you clueless fuck.....Jesus this guy is stealing a wage
  16. It's not Van Huntelaar chiles you podgy faced talentless prick
  17. WTF....where is the Holland v Mexico game on STV nothing on my sky planner Damn you stupid scottish telly I dont want to watch midsommer fucking murders
  18. We aren't even linked with any players anymore, following NUFC is such a depressing affliction these days I think there is nothing more certain that we will finish rock bottom this coming season. We have no creativity or goals in the squad and have a defence like a sieve. The outlook is simple Couple that with a fucking shithouse of a manager a tight arsed spiteful fat cunt of an owner and frank spencer and his cronies trying to conduct transfer business and insulting selling clubs with derisory offers, the thing that riles me though is you still get the cunts who see the world through black and white glasses and will still go to games and buy the tat on sale at the club shop no matter what. This is why Ashley knows he doesn't have to invest For a businessman who has always speculated to accumulate the way he's running NUFC is criminal
  19. This Brazil side due to meet France/Germany in Semis that's where they bow out IMO. Will be a Germany v Holland final
  20. Basically that football has no morals that supporters and clubs stand by people who have been Infidelity Wife beaters Drunk drivers Gambling addicts Cantona Kung fu kicking a fan And they then applaud them onto the pitch....no morals
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