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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Coincided with being linked to other clubs hasn't it? Ability to handle pressure: 1.
  2. We were discussing it on skyscrapercity. In the UK only 8% of patients who suffer from cardiac arrest survive, I think the best survival rate is 25% and I think thats in Norway. A lot of reasons are associated with survival rates, and the topic of defibrillators was brought up. I have said that defibrillators should be available in every public place, and every first aid kit should have one, something I stand by. I think the only public places that have defibrillators is leisure centre's even then I don't think there is a law that they should all have them and I'm not sure if all do. I think some shopping malls have started installing them. A large reason why I think they should be more available is that I myself was born with what is a rather complex heart problem, the fear of having a heart attack or cardiac arrest makes you realise the threat it poses more. If anyway is interested, here is the link to the page the discussion is on:http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=981442&page=305 Depends also of course if he was in a shockable rhythm. Defibrillator is no use if it's Pulsless electrical activity or asystole. I used to nurse in ICU, I'm sure they will be attempting to bring him round slowly. I'm sure we will hear more soon. My thoughts are with his family.
  3. "There are limited data on the current rate of bystander defibrillation with a public access defibrillator (PAD) following an OHCA. One study in the South of England reported bystander defibrillation in 1.74% of OHCA cases.8 When someone has a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces their chances of survival by 7–10 per cent." Not to be negative, but even is hospital resus has a very low success rate...
  4. Aye they cool you down and then slowly bring you back up to normal temp. Helps reduce damage. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ipg386
  5. La Parka

    Paul Dummett

    Pure shit. God knows what happened to him since the injury but plays like colback in being shit scared of the ball. Terrible defensivly and hampers us going forward. His long balls will do him fine down a division or two where he belongs.
  6. Janmaat doing his best Danny Simpson impression there. FUCKER.
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