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La Parka

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Everything posted by La Parka

  1. Must admit, Haidara is looking a lot better of an option already.
  2. La Parka

    Paul Dummett

    Who knows he might be the new http://www.thefa.com/~/media/images/thefaportal/pillars/thefa/general/robbie-elliott-newcastle.ashx?w=620&h=349&c=facupgallery&as=1
  3. Agree 100% btw, he let the game run long enough for Arsenal to have a few more chances. Worra cunt.
  4. What a joke. He was clean through
  5. Could have been a Newcastle player in his Arab construction fc days lol
  6. They wouldn't actually be that bad if they had Walcott, Ramsey and Ozil available. Rosicky, Cazorla, Arteta are all too inconsistent Arteta has had it. No where near good enough. As out of place a Garrath Barry was vs Germany that time. Giroud is the least Arsenal striker they've had since Jeffers. As to why Arsenal play him but refuse to cross I have no idea. They've got no pace without Walcott, they desperately need a mobile left sided player. Remy would be ideal. The midfield lacks bite, no one can break up the play. Desperately missing Wilshire and the engine of Ramsay. As to why flamini is onthe bench only arsene knows.
  7. Arsenal lack so much pace. A bunch of skillful plodders.
  8. Looks like my eye after my brother hit me with a cricket bat lol.
  9. Forgot he was even there!
  10. Boring as fuck this. Good defending by Arsenal but they lack any sort of attacking threat.
  11. Classic arsene. Bring on another left back to shore up the game.
  12. Rosicky for FLamini? Wtf. Suppose they are lacking in players to bring on but that will invite more pressure IMO.
  13. Giroud's about as effective as shola in this Arsenal team!
  14. Arsenal struggling with Spurs pressing.
  15. La Parka

    Adam Armstrong

    Born in 1997. Fuck I'm old.
  16. Reminded me of this: http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/24042/scott-parker-on-joe-cole-o.gif
  17. TBF they only got Ox, Gibbs and Sagna with any pace. Podolski, Giroud, etc are pretty lethargic in comparison to Kaboul, Rose etc...
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