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Mr Logic

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Posts posted by Mr Logic

  1. I don't know of anyone that is better than Rafa in respect of tactics, studying the opposition and changing things mid-game if needed. There may well be some out there, probably is, but I don't know them.

    Let's not forget Rafa dismantled Poch on the 16-05-16 5-1


    However he also said, when linked with the Everton and Arsenal vacancies in December 2020.


    “I can be very clear – there is no chance I will come back now because I’m really happy. I’m really pleased (Dalian Yifang) trust me. We have a lot of staff working on a big, big project. We want to leave a legacy and it’s a challenge for me. I’m quite happy at the moment."
  2. It's perfectly possible to enjoy supporting the club but still disapprove of the actions of the owners in other areas. Those two things are not mutually exclusive.


    My main gripe with Ashley has always been his running of the club I supported. I've only ever drawn attention to his shit business practices as a way to put pressure on his ownership of the club. For example, whilst I acknowledge he's a cunt, I can't say I lose any sleep about how Philip Green runs his retail empire. He's of no consequence to me.


    What I want from my football club owner is someone who does their best firstly for the football club and, secondly, the region. Irrespective of how much I disapprove of their other practices, I'm not going to fight against them if they're doing their best on the footballing front. I'll let others who are involved in that specific area fight that fight, because first and foremost I'm a football supporter, not a diplomat or MP or Journalist. Let others do their job in that regard and I'll do mine of enjoying the football.


    After 13 years, I fucking deserve that much. I'm too tired.



  3. The term 'sportswashing' that has become popular was created from a morally superior stone-throwing position.

    Its all very "Look at what they do! (but please don't look at us)." There's probably only a handfull of govts in the world that have a pretty clean record. Then you could create a scale, 'but what they do IS worse than what we ever did'. The truth of it is the worlds a shit place if you peer through enough curtains and lift enough rugs.


    Oil is unsustainable and an investment fund exists to diversify away from that and provide more options. That's the way I'm looking at it. I'm not expecting a Man City/Chelsea situation anyway, this will likely be a long term project managed much more sensibly.


    Good point that. Moral is all relative therefore one can never say that something is evil or good. Every action, deed, process, activity can be seen as good or evil, it's all in the eye of the beholder. Therefore by your impeccable logic, we cannot ever criticize anyone or anything, lest we fall in to the morally superior stone-throwing position, which you have decried.


    I was suggesting there was a degree of hypocrisy in taking a morally superior position without looking carefully at a lot of things. I was not suggesting there is no such thing as right or wrong.


    As Kevin Spacey's K-Pax character said, "The whole Universe knows right from wrong".


    Shame Kevin Spacey didn't


    ;D I know, went through my head as I typed it.

  4. The term 'sportswashing' that has become popular was created from a morally superior stone-throwing position.

    Its all very "Look at what they do! (but please don't look at us)." There's probably only a handfull of govts in the world that have a pretty clean record. Then you could create a scale, 'but what they do IS worse than what we ever did'. The truth of it is the worlds a shit place if you peer through enough curtains and lift enough rugs.


    Oil is unsustainable and an investment fund exists to diversify away from that and provide more options. That's the way I'm looking at it. I'm not expecting a Man City/Chelsea situation anyway, this will likely be a long term project managed much more sensibly.


    Good point that. Moral is all relative therefore one can never say that something is evil or good. Every action, deed, process, activity can be seen as good or evil, it's all in the eye of the beholder. Therefore by your impeccable logic, we cannot ever criticize anyone or anything, lest we fall in to the morally superior stone-throwing position, which you have decried.


    I was suggesting there was a degree of hypocrisy in taking a morally superior position without looking carefully at a lot of things. I was not suggesting there is no such thing as right or wrong.


    As Kevin Spacey's K-Pax character said, "The whole Universe knows right from wrong".

  5. The term 'sportswashing' that has become popular was created from a morally superior stone-throwing position.

    Its all very "Look at what they do! (but please don't look at us)." There's probably only a handfull of govts in the world that have a pretty clean record. Then you could create a scale, 'but what they do IS worse than what we ever did'. The truth of it is the worlds a shit place if you peer through enough curtains and lift enough rugs.


    Oil is unsustainable and an investment fund exists to diversify away from that and provide more options. That's the way I'm looking at it. I'm not expecting a Man City/Chelsea situation anyway, this will likely be a long term project managed much more sensibly.



  6. Bruce is such a perfect manager for Ashley. Ignorant and a cunt. Like looking in a mirror.


    I'd just avoid mirrors if they reveal that to you mate.

  7. Just been studying form and fixtures and relegation is still a distinct possibility this season, plus I think we might be close to the "Nobody gives a fuck" moment again.


    Genuinely uncertain if I want us to survive, mixed emotions. Heart says survive, brain says burn.

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