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Captain Underpants

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Posts posted by Captain Underpants

  1. 46 minutes ago, Jack27 said:


    Newcastle please throw the bank at these two, would be instantly game-changing

    Might be something in this considering Carrick left. Don’t know if it’s plausible though. They might have better offers elsewhere :dontknow:

  2. 14 minutes ago, nbthree3 said:

     It's like we're back a year with the amount of takeover reports! Something has to be up surely, why's it in a hurry now? Nothing we don't know btw in the above just more smoke to the ever-growing - but never went away - fire

    could someone post the full article? 
    wasn’t it Jason Burt who broke the story about the takeover last year? 

  3. This needs to turn ugly. I agree with the sentiments that its not Bruce’s fault, ofcourse he would want the job. But if Charnley thinks this is ok, he needs to be given dogs abuse at every opportunity.

  4. Whats really painful for me is that, even though ive been supporting this club for basically my whole life, ive never been to Newcastle. Ive seen them play live in Norway once (i live in Sweden) but decided long ago that i wouldnt be paying money to see them as long as Ashley remains the owner. Call it a silent protest if you will.


    This year i actually decided to come. I was looking forward to coming over, perhaps to meet a few of you here and drink a few beers.. Sadly i wont, Rafa leaving really feels like a close one dying, which, in the circumstances, perhaps is what has happened. Newcastle, the club, is basically dead to me.


    One day the club will be what it was supposed to be, until then, im out.



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