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Everything posted by MW

  1. Even better goal on 2nd viewing for lisbon
  2. Got flashbacks last night of 1st year at uni in common room, exploded when iniesta equalised against chelsea, was brilliant
  3. Anything we get out of him is a bonus in my eyes. Cant see him staying fit, hope im wrong
  4. Kev off here was putting a coach on, have a look in the ticket thread
  5. His only goal was a screamer mind
  6. Xisco had probably cost us >£15m then
  7. Never been given a chance tbf
  8. AFAIK? Would deleting the very old threads bring any benefits?
  9. Someone said "xisco will be loaned out again". He surely cant be here again
  10. Iv just read the last few pages, does xisco have another season left on his contract??? :lol:
  11. K just read last page. Dont think more reading is required
  12. Celebrated that throw like a goal
  13. Say it stays like this, I want arsenal chelsea draw. Dont want chelsea thinking they could finish top 4
  14. Fuck off arsenal to win is only 13/8. Gunna see what its like in 20
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