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Everything posted by MW

  1. What like ? ----------------------Harper ---------Taylor--------Colo-----------Willi Jonas-----------------------------------------Jose -----------------------Smith -------Rout--------------------------Guth -----------------------Nolan ----------------------Carroll Smith more defensive, Rout and Guti more forward, Rout and guthrie alongside nolan
  2. Tell you what, a great formation is 3 CBs, 1 DM, 2 Wing backs (DMR/L), 3 central AMs and a ST, worked wonders for me, might actually work with out team
  3. Looking forward to this 2-1 win, Carroll and Vuckic
  4. MW


    Why the hell is it 750k? ridiculously low
  5. MW


    Why would it be £1m? Obviously now it sounds like £5m but is he in the last year of his contract? Only way £1m but make any sort of sense, but would still be v.cheap
  6. Very happy for him, have the rest of the numbers been released?
  7. Still think Gerrard's off abroad
  8. MW

    NUFC Songbook

    i'd love to see SJP bouncing like that, more likely to happen at an away game though. There's a good video of the Frankfurt fans doing it against Newcastle when we played them in the Uefa cup on youtube. I'd put it on here if i knew how! You paste the link
  9. What did you search? cant find it dw found it, 2nd and 3rd goals Routledge for the 2nd
  10. MW

    Geordie Vuzuvela

    What tune? lets go fucking mental lets go fucking mental na na nana, i wasnt there thats a guess, but i reckon its right
  11. Good for you. I think hes an overly cautious manager whos obsessed with a safety first approach and could easily be out of his depth this season. Last season was a cakewalk. He had the best squad of players backed by the far and away the biggest support - and he was given more money to spend in January than any manager in the Championship. You can believe in him if you want, Im waiting to see how he does when the odds arent stacked in his favour. He definitely had the best squad, but I'm sure Billy Davies spent a lot, perhaps not in january. What we must give him credit for is that he spent very well (best aside)
  12. Not gunna bother this year, always end up making one and then never looking at it again
  13. MW

    Geordie Vuzuvela

    everyone making a buzzing sound followed by "geordie vuvuzela, geordie vuvuzela nananna"
  14. Liverpool agreed a fee for Insua with Fiorentina
  15. MW

    Geordie Vuzuvela

    Hopefully gets an airing at Norwich, wonder if its as good as people say
  16. Can someone post a link to the webchat?
  17. Can't remember whats been said but is there any way of following the match online?
  18. Wonder what they're singing
  19. Can people with ST in other areas buy extra tickets in the Leazes Corner?
  20. So basically only members can get tickets, and ST holders can get an extra 1/2 there? Strange move and as someone said its probably just so they know who's up there. How much cheaper is it up there than the middle tier of the Leazes end where i am?
  21. When was Steve Coterill made Pompey manager? Completely missed that
  22. Think I might move at the end of next season when my 3 year ST runs out
  23. Seriously? You're just posting that now? I may as well put you out of your misery and tell you we get promoted. fair enough, as i said when i originally posted i had barely read the thread so didnt know if it had been posted. was it posted that most the players hate taylor, some were asking hughton to sell him and his dad was trying to get carroll sent down for his ABH case?
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