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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. 1 minute and 25 seconds was just about enough of that garbage thank you. I'm off to make some bacon, eggs, toast and coffee.
  2. What a f****** pathetic post.
  3. I wish this season would hurry up and end. At the moment football is less fun than work.
  4. aye right. great idea, lets go down, because the players deserve it, they'll all leave and we (the club) are left in the championship. give yourself a shake man will you. nobody at the club, not the fans or the board, or the management, 'deserves' to go down Why are people turning against our team, we have to support them no matter what Whether they deserve it or not is just semantics. They are playing like fizzy pop players, and they have earned the right to be where they are - on the brink of disaster. It won't be a great injustice if they take us down.
  5. Only at this club could we be 3 points above the drop, with Liverpool away next and 10 games to go and people acting as if relegation is some kneejerk impossible scenario. Did you people fail maths or something? Wake up.
  6. Just be ready for it, because its coming now. We aren't getting out of this slump.
  7. What do we fucking do to deserve this every motherfucking weekend? FUCK OFF you SPINELESS FUCK CUNTS.
  8. This is where Keegan earns his money. He's got to keep them up for it and make sure we don't fall off again in the second half. Getting Martins on would probably be a step in the right direction.
  9. OWEN ADMITS: I hate Geordies, I spend my wages on kiddie porn. Heil Hitler.
  10. The same story could have been headlined "Owen: We need to win!" or something positive, and nobody would say a thing. But it wasn't. Because the papers haven't met their Newcastle bashing quota for the week.
  11. Would face some competition to get him, but would be a great signing. In line with the youth policy as well.
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