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Everything posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Just been watching the last half hour, but too much rolling around on the floor for me.
  2. Are they scoring for friendlies or something?
  3. Hopp Schweiz! Didn't concede a goal at the last World Cup, playing at home, might not be the most entertaining but better than any of the big boys winning it.
  4. Hope we were smart enough to put something in his contract. He's a nasty person and I hope he gets sacked.
  5. How could you hate them for Jenas?
  6. The fans may have completely disappeared up their own arseholes with their constant harping on about wage structure, ITK bollocks, and delusions of grandeur but my best memories of the last two seasons have all involved Spurs, so you can't hate them that much. The most enjoyable 6 points in the league.
  7. 28 goals in 32 appearances, one of the hottest prospects in world football & Youtubetastic. I love the summer.
  8. Because they finished 14 points above us, made it to a Cup final and are better than the ones we've got?
  9. It doesn't look like gold. That is mustard/sick coloured yellow.
  10. http://www.footballshirtculture.com/images/stories/fsc05/portsmouth-08-09-home-shirt-canterbury.jpg Foul.
  11. Wrong thread. Maroon & hoops would be lovely.
  12. Having a good game in the UEFA Cup final basically dooms our chances of signing him. As we speak, every club message board in the Premiership is filled with exactly the same comments as here and - more importantly - managers from clubs in a much better position that us are taking notice. He'll be off to Milan or Arsenal or somewhere now.
  13. http://www.footballshirtculture.com/images/stories/may0809kits/real_madrid-08-09-home-adidas-kit.jpg Real's new one.
  14. We would overpay for any of the three simply because they are English. If money isn't growing on trees any more, then we should look elsewhere IMO.
  15. Currently, Shay Given 0.9% Steve Harper 6.6% Habib Beye 40% Steven Taylor 4.1% Nicky Butt 20.6% James Milner 4.6% Michael Owen 15.1% Oba Martins 8.2%
  16. 1) Getting thumped 0-6 at Old Trafford and wondering if there was a single redeeming feature to any member of the squad. 2) Losing 0-1 to Blackburn at home and seriously contemplating relegation. 3) The cock sucking media.
  17. The only circumstance under which this would be a good deal is if it was a direct swap with Alan Smith. We get their aging, permanently crocked striker to keep our club doctor busy, they get their beloved 'Smudger' back.
  18. Soon, I would imagine. It would make sense from a PR perspective to move quickly and get some positive news out in the next week to show everyone there isn't a problem. Keegan, Wise & Mort at a press conference with the new player, shaking hands, smiling, talking about how well the new system is working etc.
  19. Just 3 signings would leave us very thin in some positions. I don't think we've done too badly with injuries this year, but a typical Newcastle injury crisis would leave us in the shit.
  20. Must stay: Keegan, Beye, Martins Hope to stay: Owen, Enrique, Barton, Faye Must go: Smith, Duff, Emre Don't care: The rest A good summer would mean 5 players capable of going straight in the first team, the big money on rebuilding our abysmal midfield, the rest on squad players in defence, a new goal scorer if Ashley is feeling generous, and a yellow/green away kit please.
  21. The guy who looks to have won it ('Team Cool') has 1889 points which would put him about 84th in the NewcastleOnline league.
  22. I hate Man Utd and their fucking fairytale existence. One day it will go wrong, and when it does I will be there pointing and laughing.
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