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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. 3 of my players are injured.


    I've just about managed to put together a team without forfeiting a load of points to transfers, but Essien getting injured is simply unacceptable.  He needs to stop being such a big girl about his poorly knee and tell Mourinho he's fit to play on Wednesday.  Or else.

  2. Robsons policy of buying young was arguably the biggest mistake he made.  IMO, an average age of 28 is about right.  You need a core squad of experienced players - professionals you know what they are doing - to make an impact in the Premiership.  That's the difference between successfully defending a 3-1 lead at Bolton and choking in the last half hour. 

  3. Tottenham looked very disappointing, but they have injury problems of their own and the mackems will probably be difficult to beat at home all season.  They'll do OK I suspect (not Champions League though).  Anyway...if you ever thought N-O supporters were fickle then I suggest you read a few of the kneejerktastic threads on GloryGlory.  They lose next weekend and it will be a full on meltdown.  (Although they finally seem to be coming around to the fact that the odd good goal does not make Jenas a good midfielder).


    West Ham were thankfully disorganized and crap.  Hope it continues.  I disagree about Liverpool who I still think will be very strong when Torres & Babel find their feet. 

  4. Id say our next signing will def be a rb especially since carr wos awful for anelkas goal yesterday!well hopefully anyways!also he said we need another goalie so my guess will be a keeper and a right back!Now that I think of it though,maybe a right winger since solano and dyer seem to be leaving.so prob right back and right midfielder!


    Thats overly harsh. Carr was outpaced by Anelka, which is hardly a crime. I'm not a huge Carr fan, but he had a solid game. He wont be the last player to lose a sprint race with someone as pacey as Anelka.


    It wasn't that he got outpaced by Anelka that I have a problem with, it was that he played so deep that he had to try and keep up with him, the rest of our defenders were playing such a high line yet for some reason Carr stayed deep instead of pushing up with the rest.

    he stood goal side of the player and got beat for pace.


    you make it sound like he was stood on the edge of our box as we took the corner


    It was still a very good finish from Anelka.  If I had to blame anyone, it would be Geremi for slipping up and allowing McCaan the space to pick out Nolan.  That was what put us in trouble to begin with.  But still very well taken by Anelka.

  5. If Shorey becomes available, which I find highly unlikely, I think it may prove difficult to fight with West Ham. As our attempt at signing Sidwell proved, battling with a player's home club can prove to be a lost cause.


    I think the Sidwell thing was the fact it was mid-table, Europeless Newcastle vs Champions League, Premiership title hunting Chelsea


    And moving your family to the other end of the country for what would almost certainly have been less money.  I don't blame him for the decision he made.  In fact, I'm glad he made it.  We ended up with better players.

  6. I'm 91 out of 76,000 on the whole game  ;D

    Also got Ronadlo and Vidic to play today,

    not sure about Tevez though


    Sorry to piss on your parade but that 91/76,771 is where the N-O league is placed amongst all the mini leagues.


    Total players: 1,055,790


    I'm 27,438th at the moment.  But Ronaldo is my captain, so I could move up a few!

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