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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. I have to say, even though Delaney is a free agent, if this move went through, I would be genuinely astonished, for two reasons.


    Firstly, we haven't got a RB at the club. So, if we're letting Delaney go and not getting him ona longer contract, then that suggests that he is properly f*****.


    Secondly, if you are taking him, that suggests he is not properly f*****. But if that is the case, why are Villa letting him go when we have no RB at all?


    The obvious answer is that O'Neill has someone lined up to replace him.

  2. Why exactly do Parker, Dyer, Bowyer & Bellamy have a reason to "up their game" against us?  The only one that might have a grievance at the way he was treated was Bellamy, but that has f*** all to do with Allardyce & the new regime does it?  The rest of them were paid very well for very mediocre performances. 


    If they had anything to prove, they had plenty of opportunities to do it when they played in black & white.  You think they will magically fulfill any potential they had because of a move to London?


    As it stands, I see a group of highly paid, ageing underachievers who don't have the best of relationships with each other.  If Curbs can turn them into a group of winners, then well done.  But I'm not any more worried about West Ham because of that group of players. 

  3. Personally i don't think we really need to replace Dyer, but if Allardyce thinks he needs another attacking player to come in then i'm fine by it. Smith won't get you many goals but he is a good player. An extra body won't do us any harm. Allardyce has his plans in his own mind for the way he wants our team to set up so if he does sign Smith then he obviously feels he needs him. I'm happy enough either way.


    Pretty much sums up how I feel.  I hope he is in the squad for the Sampadoria match.  It would be a blast from the past to see Smith & Viduka line up together for each of their Newcastle debuts.

  4. Dear Kieron, You were very fast and scored some impressive goals a few years ago.  You got punched in the head by Lee Bowyer.  Then you got injured, and I forgot you were in the squad for almost a year.  But then you came back for a while, and looked half decent sometimes.  And now you are leaving.

    Best of luck in the future.  Bye!

  5. Some craic if this is true like with these comments :lol:


    Even if it somehow ends up being true it's still poor journalism.  Is he getting this news from the typical 'source close to the club'?  An agent or representatives of the player?  Another journo in the north-east?  Even if he doesn't want to use direct quotations, someone has to have phoned him up with this info and he should give us some hint who it is. 

  6. How do British sports journalists keep their jobs when they get it wrong so often?  Surely there has to be some sort of editorial standard.  This is a story in a national broadsheet that has the same credibility as TeamTalk.

  7. When will he ever tell the truth!?


    That would probably be: 'It is my understanding that following the departure of Freddy Shepherd I have become a complete irrelevance.  I know longer have any meaningful access to the club, making it difficult to speculate on matters of which I have no insight or understanding.  Anything I subsequently con an editor into printing is therefore wide of the mark.'

  8. Absolute Tossers all of them. I've never been pro-booing no matter what the situation (unless they're in the other team ofc), but booing him if he has family troubles that means he wants to move away? pretty weak.


    I'd love to know why these family problems weren't mentioned at the beggining of the transfer window when more could have been done to plan on replacing him.  Or why a resolution couldn't involve moving his family to Newcastle.  I don't want to be overly cyncical, but this coming out so close to the end of the window appears very much like twisting the clubs arm into accepting a cut price bid.  Engineering a move even. 


    It could be true for all I know, but he signed a contract not that long ago and he should be expected to honour his commitments.  Especially to a club that has made him a very rich & successful man. 

  9. The people that booed want him to leave.  He has said himself that he wants to.  And it looks like it's nailed on that he will. 


    A waste of time, I agree.  But in this case who cares? 


    There's quite a few people on here would like to see Owen leave, and given the chance of a decent move, he'd want to leave as well.  Just doesn't have the balls to say it.


    Should we boo him also?


    He's said just the opposite and things are made worse by Dyer's history.  But if Michael Owen had actually said he wanted to leave, then I wouldn't care if he was booed or not either. 


    I'm not advocating it, but it just doesn't bother me. 

  10. The people that booed want him to leave.  He has said himself that he wants to.  And it looks like it's nailed on that he will. 


    A waste of time, I agree.  But in this case who cares? 

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