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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Totally against this. I'm sure Sam can do a good job by himself.  Does a DOF ever work?


    spurs. ???




    not sure personally. depends what his role would be. if he didn't interfere with transfers other than to approve funds for them then i would be for. His heart is in the right place, it could be a really help to allardyce is used right, if used wrong it would be a very bad thing.


    Frank Arnesen was in charge of transfer policy, recruitment and youth development.  Keegan has been out of football for years and couldn't possibly offer anything in either of those areas.  Nor would Allardyce be likely to willingly cede control over these areas.


    This is just stupid nostalgia.  Hopefully it's in a tabloid and therefore complete bollocks.


  2. If Ashley appoints Keegan as a DoF (without Allardyce himself having requested it) then Sam just might tell Ashley where to shove his strategic review and resign.  It undermines his authority as a manager and would represent a deliberate attempt to question his style of play.  It would be a complete disaster. 


    I would imagine that when Sam signed, he had agreements with the previous regime as to what he would require.  I'm going to guess they did not involve a strategic review during the transfer window or a popular predecessor with a reputation for attacking football being brought in as a babysitter.

  3. Looking forward to seeing Nani and Anderson at Man Utd. Not seen an awful lot of them and I'd be interested to see how they get on.


    Beaten by about 5 seconds.  You can probably find somewhere on the internet showing his goal in an Asian friendly this week.  Looks a frighteningly good prospect.

  4. I prefer Campbell aboe a guy like Hangeland. Those nordic style players are strong but that's it. Mostly slow not good to build up.


    That's a bit of a generalisation.  And Sol himself is slow these days.  I'd prefer to sign a player who would establish himself in the side rather than a 33 year old, but then again either (or both) would be a vast improvement on what we currently have.  There are very few players I would turn my nose up at with only two weeks until the transfer deadline. 


    It's a mystery to me why securing a few defenders with Premiership experience has become such a big ordeal for this club every summer.  How is it that the average to fairy decent squad players like Young, Quedrue, Distin etc. are signing for other clubs while we apparently aren't interested?  And then everyone starts flapping on about signing Cannavaro.  Seems fairly delusional for a club that is looking very seriously at going into the Premiership season with Ramage & academy boys taking on players like Torres, Rooney, Berbatov etc (and expecting a top 5 finish no doubt).

  5. What a bastard thing to do to your team mates, supporters and employer with only two weeks until the start of the season.  A wasteful, arrogant lout fucks up his personal life (not to mention his health) and then screws his employer as well by declaring his intention to leave with only two weeks to find a replacement, adding another headache for the manager.  I've never met the man, but if even half the tabloid rumours are true about Dyer then I have no sympathy for his "family issues".


    This just confirms that Dyer lives his life as he plays his football - selfishly. 



  6. Allardyce's new training regime is showing, we might have picked up a few unfortunate injuries but on the whole the players look a lot fitter than they did this time last year...


    That's a good point which hasn't been mentioned, we do look a lot fitter than normal.


    We need a strong pre-season for a change.  The games against supposedly weaker opposition are at the beggining of our schedule, so we can't afford a typically slow start this year. 

  7. Perhaps he's realized he won't be first choice. 


    As most people have said, this is probably the last opportunity we'll have to get money for him.  He can be a useful player and we have a small squad, but anything close to 5 million is more than fair.  Provided we get someone in to replace him of course - it isn't a big squad.

  8. She's got a point in all honesty.


    What is it exactly?  True...West Ham have been throwing money around.  But they have a very shit squad and need the improvements.  If Chopra is going for 5 million and Nugent for 6, then 7 million seems decent for a player like Bellamy.  With all the takeovers and billionaire owners in the Premiership, the bar has been raised again.  Not good, but not West Ham's fault either.


    Noboby ever seems bothered when Manchester United or Liverpool spend big, but certain journalists go purple whenever another club shows any ambition. 

  9. going for a star striker sells more papers than being linked with some Czech defender nobody's heard of.




    Defenders are boring while strikers score goals and are more fun to speculate about.  Sign a full back and everyone yawns, but spend 15 million on a striker and it is big news.  Not unusual that the tabloid papers would operate on that basis, but that mentality also seems to have governed the club's transfer policy in recent years.

  10. Taylor was pure class today, showed a lot of heart playing through the pain barrier and then tucking away his penalty.


    I used to think he was a bit too young, but I could see him as a potential captain for next season after that display. 

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