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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. We are f***ing s*** officiating regardless. We can blame lousy decisions but when you have a team of good players playing obscenely badly it's the coaching teams fault. These players head balls without think where the ball will go, hoof and pass to the opposition and over play things when glaringly obvious easy passes could be made. They don't even do the basics right and haven't for a long time. it's a f***ing shambles.


    Any impetus and inventiveness the new players brought has been coached out to revert to safe tactic norm. We are atrocious and for no other reason than the way we are set up. We should have hammered Wigan today. I have No idea what we do on the training ground but it's obviously a far cry from what every other club does because we continue to make poor teams look dangerous and better teams like Barcelona.


    Knee jerk reaction over and out.


    Couldn't agree more.


    We've been cheated out of a point and a opposition red card but it doesn't change the fact that we were absymal today.


    Again, irrelevant.


    How the f*** is it irrelevant? Had we got a point I'd have still said we were s***. Because we were.


    It's not relevant because even though we were s***, that isn't even the second reason we lost, let alone the first.


    It just just seems pointless to mention it when it's a by-product of us not only having loads of players out injured, but being completely f***ed over by the officials. And not just the direct affect that those things have, but the way it effected our play.


    Our attacking play is clueless and appalling every week, yet it's not worth criticising our attacking play for being clueless and appalling this week, because the ref was s****? :lol:


    No, what I mean is that this match hasn't even given me the opportunity to criticise our shitness. We were s*** without Cabaye, then Debuchy, then Haidara. And with the worst refereeing performance I've seen since Martin Atkinson's.


    We were s***, but nowhere near as much as we were robbed and unlucky. Our shitness just doesn't seem worth being talked about after that. They're justifiably excused today.


    I'm not buying anything implying the side we had out today wasn't good enough to get a point or 3 off Wigan, sorry.


    The last 3 starting 11s to play Wigan away were:




    (0-4, 2-2, 2-3).  Hardly worldbeaters on the whole but they all got more than we did.


    And I'm also not buying us simply being on the bad side of misfortune and bad refereeing today either, we looked toothless.  Bad luck implies we deserved something out of the performance and we didn't.  I'll grant you that we should have been up against 10 men and might have then made a better fist of it, but it comes to something when you're bemoaning not having a numerical advantage against a team looking nailed on to be relegated instead of just getting on with beating them.


    :clap: Good post.




  2. Hard to say whether we would have won had Debuchy not got injured. We were completely on top until then. Things then went down hill from there. Can kinda understand the awful performance in this game. Performance aside you can't deny Halsey screwed us over ridiculously.


    Taylor had a good chance, but I don't think we looked exceptional. And even if we were playing great, 12 minutes of good football and then falling to pieces when your right back pulls his hamstring just isn't an excuse.

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