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Posts posted by chicago_shearer

  1. Best outcome with the draw would be a tough group. Get Spain in the first match and there wil be none of the scraping by against sub par sides leading to a defeat at the first real hurdle.


    Id welcome a group of death.

  2. From a marketing perspective, I'm not sure what sort of brand would want to be associated with this. If you were the guy spending Pepsi or Samsungs ad/sponsor budget, would you really see that much benefit from this? Its not like you are funding or sponsoring a new ground like with Arsenal and Emirates. This could backfire and damage your brand. It could fail to gain any traction. Whats the advantage that you wouldnt get from a simple sign or ad board?

  3. You can argue with the decision, or with the man behind it, but you can't argue with the low Sports Direct prices on all your casual sportswear needs. I cannot wait for one to open in America, because it sounds like a magical place.

  4. I don't care about Pearce, and I don't think his inexperience is that important.


    I'm honestly more excited about seeing a British team at the London Olympics than I am about this crap European Championships next summer. I won't see that again in my lieftime. I'll have plenty of opportunities to see an exhausted squad of overpaid Man Utd and Chelsea players disappoint against vastly superior opposition.


    So Stuart Pearce, who cares? I hope it's Euro 96 atmosphere, and I hope the whole country gets behind them.

  5. 1. Qualify easily despite not being very good.


    2. Dont play very well (because still not very good) but do OK and reach quarter final.


    3. Get eliminated by better team after another trademark English choke.


    4. Sack manager, repeat.

  6. Remember the comment that Pardew made when he brought HBA on against Blackburn, he said that really he should have brought Loverkrands on but the game was in a good place for HBA. I think this sub was him trying to say sorry to Lovenkrands for that. You can see his idea but he's the boss he's got to be stronger than that. Raylor made one wonderful block in the first half but lost his man for the goal, he needs to start the real LB that we have, he needs to get HBA in the team and personally I would like to see more of Marveaux, despite that we won and we are 3rd in the league, he's not gonna change that side any time soon, but a really good manager would.


    I remember that. He's got it in his head that Lovenkrands offers something as a last half hour sub, and I'm not sure what that is (except a much better chance of losing).

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