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Posts posted by Haz

  1. ‘Mr Bruce have you ever been to the Turkish embassy?’


    For someone so horrified by it all, you do like to joke about it mind  :lol:


    Wey I’m not without a sense of absurdity of it all. My eyes are open to who these people are, and if I’m to carry on following my team what I will have to work out I can stomach.


    Hate the sin;  love the sinner.

  2. To reiterate: No matter what you think of this suppurating, clinkerous  dickhead, I cannot envisage a time when I'd be content for the Toon to lose a game. It would give me no satisfaction whatsoever, despite the need to alert the bastard to the outrageous indignity of the whole damn thing.



    All hail the superior beings with their wonderful careers, let the simple factory drones be ashamed and bask in their glory


    Not sure if it was aimed at me but since others quoted it as well... Work isn't an important thing in my eyes, it's just a necessary evil to get the freedom to do other stuff. Working a simple, stable job with set hours and decent pay sounds pretty nice to me.


    "Find a job you love and you'll never work again" Winston Churchill.


    "I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes," Winston Churchill


    Maybe not the best career advisor :lol:


    Was he referring to Sunderland when he said that?

  4. All hail the superior beings with their wonderful careers, let the simple factory drones be ashamed and bask in their glory


    Not sure if it was aimed at me but since others quoted it as well... Work isn't an important thing in my eyes, it's just a necessary evil to get the freedom to do other stuff. Working a simple, stable job with set hours and decent pay sounds pretty nice to me.


    "Find a job you love and you'll never work again" Winston Churchill.

  5. Parts of Newcastle are a s*** hole just like parts of Paris,London and any bustling city are


    Sunderland on the other hand is a complete shithole nothing going for it at all


    Bollocks, there's some nice areas in Sunderland.


    Nurse! He's out of bed again!

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