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Posts posted by Rob

  1. f****** hell, I feel like I do on derby day. When it's actually derby day, I'm going to be genuinely ill.


    Exactly how I feel and I HATE derbies.


    can never understand why anyone wants to be in the same league as them... worst two days of the year to look towards

  2. Couldn't give two fucks whether Boro or Pompey win a Cup, in fact if they do more power to them I say. It doesn't effect us in the least bit at the end of the day and I'm sure there are a lot of Boro and Pompey fans for whom it would mean so much to win a trophy, a hell of a lot more than any Chelsea fan anyway.


    Bit different for those of us living in the local area. Our lives would be unbearable.


    when middlesborough won the carling cup it was a fucking nightmare


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