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Posts posted by Rob

  1. I think when Allardyce went, everyone expected the s**** players to follow, namely non-footballers like Butt and Smith. So far though this hasn't happened, Keegan seems to admire their battling qualities and workrate, and his non-activity in January (plus his comments about not being able to improve the squad) seem to suggest he thinks he can polish these turds.

    After today's capitulation though, are you confident that Keegan will drop those who were most at fault? Not so sure myself.


    Obviously this only concerns the rest of this season. But then what about the summer? Will the clearout we are hoping for materialise? :undecided:


    Spot on.  You can't polish a turd

  2. f*** sake, im actually willing west ham to win

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


    All that matters this season now is that we don't get relegated. Middlesbrough and Sunderland can finish above us for all I care as long as we stay up. The North East 'Top Dog' bollocks only means the best of a bad bunch at the moment.


    i would love to disagree with you, but i'm struggling to find any arguments not to

  3. I'm never bothered about england, ever since i was younger and i can ony put it down to the fact i dont like any of  the players


    Bothered enough to post that though.


    aye your probly right , but not being funny i'm just  never really happy watching them anymore, like when i was younger i was really behind them,  and apart from the last few years of absolute crap management, not having the respect for players like i used to is all i can put it down to

  4. I'm going to bed and i'm going to wake up and none of this will be a dream and we will have to face wullie's prediction of facing a handy new dutch striker on sunday...


    Aswell as having a billionaire owner who wont spend fuckin nowt on first team players, but who has also managed to get hold of  a new dream manager who has been duped in to managing a shit team... (with obvious resentments to each other) .... just to keep the fans quiet..


    2 bottles of wine and 500 anadin on standy for sunday neet


    Alves's record is far better in a worse side tbf. I could point you towards a Ronaldo, Ruud or Romario article too if you like.


    God I really hope he's s***, or doesn't play on Sunday, I couldn't give two fucks after that. :(


    You could do yes, but then those three didn't have Lee Cattermole supplying the bullets


    He doesn't play though. I think if you believe Boro don't create chances, you might be in for a shock Sunday, genuinely. I'm praying Tuncay and Downing don't play. This is NUFC so it's nailed on that they will.


    fuck sake, dont think i want to watch this one

  6. 2 weeks of absolute bollocks!


    If we loose on Sunday how f****** much of a mug will Keegan and the board look!


    God watching the same s**** until may is just going to be painful

    Simmer down you bellend.


    i may be a bellend as well cos i know really all the team has played against is a really good arsenal and a really non-footballing team bolton, but i just get the feeling something is wrong with our club, and i'm really fearful for this season, i think i just wanted a class or decent  player in this transfer window, which would just have given that little bit more bite and confidence, instead we go against the unwashed and i am worried, but thats me when it comes to this club.

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