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Posts posted by Rob

  1. if your in the business to make a profit then you would try to buy players for as little as possible... if you were in it for the ride and the glory then i think that paying a little bit for to meet demand is something the owner would do, so i suppose it depends what the owner wants in the long term

  2. I think keegan would have been made fully aware of what the plans were for this club.  He may not have known about wise being appointed, but I would guess he was told of all the appointments within the club that ashley wanted before he agreed to be manager.  It's probably just the lack of information been given by the club to the media thats sending everyone in to this frenzy, and understandbly so.  I think when we here the official stance we may think, hmm that makes a bit of sense.  They got their first choice right, I have confidence in them that they are doing the right thing.

  3. We never stopped attacking the whole match which I was well happy with. Yeah we didn't get lucky but its obvious the areas we need strengthening in which we all know.


    Milner never stopped but it was an off day for his crossing in fairness. Keep checking the transfer rumours soon tho, I smell new players around the corner  :smug:


    Reason to be cheerful, even though we didnt create much if anything, the intent was there, that to me is enough KK will be studying this match so maybe us being poor creativity wise isnt such a bad thing, because he will go hammering on Chris Morts door to say we need new creative players in the door...


    and he will get them

  4. Who would you have put in there then?


    Edit: I never EVER said he was good,however needs must and all that.


    to be honest i don't know, but i think i would have subbed him and given carrol a crack... im not disagreeing with who keegan put out, because unlike the guy before him on this occasion he didnt have the personel available, but really ameobie was very poor,a s was i think roz, but roz im not slating as much becasue that isnt his position


    all im trying to point out is that ameobi has and all ways will play like this no matter what manager comes in.. he's always played like that and it's so frustrating

  5. keegan makes the same first error sam made. he played ameobi. andy o'brien marked him out the game. and dont give me any of that "he needs games" stuff, he was s**** before his injury and he's s**** after it.


    bolton were considerably nearer to scoring than we were. did we even have a decent shot on target?


    What??  There was no one else to play up front, who else should he have played?  :idiot2:

    Anyone who is looking to blame ameobi need a f****** lead earring..."OMG keegans been here 3 days and we only drew!!! WTF!",shut the f****** door on your way out tbh.




    I'm not blaming him for not winning - just stating that he isn't good enough.


    i also dont think any ones blaming anyone... I myself am ok with the draw, i dont expect miracles, im just pointing out what keegan may want to do, and one of those things is never to play ameobi in a premiership match ever again, because he's rubbish


    do you think he's good?

  6. Lay off Ameobi, please, guys. At least he got himself involved. His striking partner was a non-event.



    He was crap man. Same old Shola - fouling a player whenever he tries to receive a pass. He won't change.


    Tbh he wasnt that bad like,find another whipping boy..





    to be fair the service wasnt good, and it's not my intention to look for some one to blame... but he lacks quality, alot of it: his decision making is poor, he cant hold the line without drifitng off side, when the ball gets played into him he generally gives away a free kick.. Hi s first touch is awful, he has a shin for a foot.  He doesnt have virtually any positives... aye he hasnt had a lot of games you could say, but there's a reason for that.

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