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Posts posted by Rob

  1. i was going to go today regardless of KK, i was just going to amble on down there and pay on the gate


    fuckin hell now im franticly trying to ring and buy online and it aint workin!


    the place has just gone mental! .... bet sky and bbc are kicking themselves for not having this game live

  2. Keegan: 'I would not rule it in or out. It's a club I love, everybody knows that.'


    He has unfinished business and along with us playing the best football I've ever seen his record wasn't bad either:


    Saved us from relegation, finished 3rd, 6th, 2nd and the team he built finished 2nd in the season he left.


    He's had ups and downs of course since then although I don't think he's the disaster people are making him out to be.


    It took something out of him when he finished 2nd, he lost the passion after that.  Maybe he's a little wiser now, maybe this is the time for him to come back and finish what he started?

  3. He's not asking for gratitude, he's addressing the people in the media who've slagged him off imo. There seems to be an article every day about him wanting to sell up or how he's a laughing stock for sitting with the fans.


    Funny how they don't have a go at the Glazers for saddling Man Utd with £400m worth of debt, or Shinawatra for performing executions on innocent people! Nah easier to have a go at that fat bloke sitting with the thick Geordies. What a bunch of c***s.




    seconded :thup:

  4. Maybe the dressing room was lost after all.


    "And after the turmoil of recent seasons, Shearer will go back to basics. He believes football is essentially a simple game. I expect he'd consider a lot of Sam's backroom staff as over-complicating things and, having spoken to Damien Duff last week, a few of the players would welcome getting back to the football."



    I found that a most interesting comment too. Looks very much like a case of the players werent behnd him.

    Is that Sams or the players fault though ?


    down to sam and the coaching staff.  The players respond to coaching

  5. he's part of the reason yes


    along with round, barron, terry mac


    theres not 1 attacking coach in the whole club, no wonder we look a shambles going forward


    so the coaches are to blame for our predicament? not the dire managers, lackluster big money signings, questionable ex chairman ect.


    you cant make gold out of s***, you just cant.


    so why keep him then, what has he done to deserve a chance under a 3rd manager


    i dont know what he's doing, but he's clearly doing something right to still be employed after 2 managers, and employed by his country in a similar role.


    you think he's doing something right at nufc??

  6. he is assistant manager, theres not a hell of alot of difference really, you still make effective decisions, you take a position of responsibility and should therefore be held accountable.  he has been relegated 3 times.... if he was a manager would YOU hire him?


    he's not a manager though. he never said he was. im convinced you're basing your points just on today which (if im right) is very naive of you. "the great one" himself couldnt have stopped them today.


    honest to god im not, ive just voiced opinion based on the post being started, it's just coincidence.  BUT i have always disliked him, primarily based on his previous record and the way he tlaks overall.  Its no coincidence that since he has been brought in we've been crap (or crapper).

  7. he is assistant manager, theres not a hell of alot of difference really, you still make effective decisions, you take a position of responsibility and should therefore be held accountable.  he has been relegated 3 times.... if he was a manager would YOU hire him?

  8. the team is garbadge defensively , but the quality of the players isnt apparently, we have proven aged defenders, and up and coming under 21 internationals who are on the verge of breakingin to the national squad, apparently.


    what does the assistant manager do?  tell me that?  your telling me he isnt accountable for this mess we have to watch??




    i give up. ok, pearson is to blame for all our goals conceded and the cause for all the other s*** we're knee deep in. sack him.


    can we legally sack everyone at the club?


    i don't and never said he was to blame for everything, but in my opinion he should be accountable for the garbadge we've had to put up with.


    if they sacked allardyce, then they must think everythings wrong, that includes him, he's been here for two seasons at least and te defence has been worse than terrible overall.  Pearson proved it today he picked the exact same thing bs would have picked (part from jose and viduka)


    but the tactics were the same, s*** if any.  zog AND duff on the right milner on the (left)

  9. shoot bambi mark 3 bring in edgar


    fuck off alan smith bring in carroll or emre, depending on formation


    management and coaching staff need to be held accountable

  10. the team is garbadge defensively , but the quality of the players isnt apparently, we have proven aged defenders, and up and coming under 21 internationals who are on the verge of breakingin to the national squad, apparently.


    what does the assistant manager do?  tell me that?  your telling me he isnt accountable for this mess we have to watch??



  11. keegan wouldnt come back (unless there was a miracle) bobby couldnt come back even if he wanted, hoddle no


    ashley and mort made a quick decision... if they hadnt have sacked him then, you would have been asking to sack him now....


    theyve done the right thing im sure of it now, more than ive ever been


  12. i dont actually know what terry mac does ... but im on about pearson... he is rubbish and needs to be sacked


    you still havent said why he needs to be sacked though


    because he does f*** all, he was the bookie runner under roeder ffs


    not terry mac, pearson. why should he be sacked. give me a reason.


    Why shouldnt he be sacked? what has improved since he's been here?



    what are you expecting him to do on his own? if he had won today you'd be kissing his arse.


    he's the defensive coach... defend him

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