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Posts posted by Rob

  1. only thing that would make me happy, would me jose... but thats dead in the water because jose would no way be second to 'arry


    so only thing that would make me happy now is the keegan and shearer combo


    i really thought they had a plan in place, i cant believe they sacked sam without first having a good manager nailed on as a replacement


    i still think theres a twist to this, or rather i hope there is

  2. If Redknapp gets it I am trying to work out his motivation.


    Is is that he genuinely wants the opportunity to work at club where football envelopes the whole community and is the centre of everything (not wanting to belittling to Portsmouth but I think its fair tosay the mentality towards football in general amongst the footballing puclic is different in the 2 cities)... + win a 1st trophy for the club in a million years


    or is he just thinking, its a nice chance for one last big pay day before I start settling down by the seaside.


    For fear of raising Jose's name, with him, you genuinely feel that he wants to rule the world but with Harry and probably most other managers, you dont get that sense of real desire and I think thats the one quality that we are looking for.

    Keegan early on said, tongue in cheek, "Look out Ferguson, here we come".. he was driven to try and make us the best.

    I am worried about what Harry feels he would  get out of the move.


    I am sure they are all driven to succeed in their onw way but I just dont know




    keegans downfall was all or nothing, jose would be all or nothing, 'arry's would be money or nothing

  3. also with ashley out of the country, he would like to meet who he want's first tbh before appointing them


    that makes logic sense


    woudnt need to meet jose, we already know he makes logic sense


    unless he already has


    if he was going to give redknapp a contract worth 15m + u would thought he would want to meet them first


    i'm hoping thats paper bullshit... i really am .. he should have broken the bank to get jose not droopy dog

  4. Harry's quoted as saying he's staying at portsmouth, knows nothing about it, that could just be bollocks like... but hopefully it's not.


    with regards to jose and the clause not to join any other premier club ... wouldn't all clauses be cancelled when they sacked him?



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