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Posts posted by Rob

  1. well if he is a defensive coach, then he's f****** s***, our defence is worse now than with boumsong in it


    look at the clubs he's been, middlesbrough (sacked), west brom (sacked)





  2. he's not to blame for any part of the situation we are in. he's just the scapegoat as we have no manager to berate.


    he is s***, always has been, is assistant manager and should be held accountable... his influance deserves recognition, he deserves to be sacked


    how is he s***? other than today (as no manager in the world could have won us this game) whats everyone's big problem with him?



    souness roeder allardyce


    your telling me the assistant manager has no influence?

  3. he's not to blame for any part of the situation we are in. he's just the scapegoat as we have no manager to berate.


    he is shit, always has been, is assistant manager and should be held accountable... his influance deserves recognition, he deserves to be sacked

  4. f*** them all man.. smith, barton, butt, carr, milner, owen, viduka, geremi, emre, ameobi, pearson, mcdermott.. and all the other wasters, drunks, prisoners and fat fucks..you make me sick you f****** wankers.. the whole lot of them s*** scared of a f****** ball permanent crocks

    taking thousands of pounds a week directly from people's pockets to watch them pull down their pants like little whores.. f*** off

    and those of you, saying 'Given has lost it'.. or 'n'zogbia doesn't deserve to wear the shirt' or 'smith is a better footballer than martins' .. f*** OFF

    f*** alan oliver, f*** the tabloids, f*** harry redknapp, f*** freddy shepherd and FIST f*** YOU Mike Ashley and screw your f****** no. 17 shirt if you only dare to think about getting some other wreck for manager.. f*** YOU ALL, f*** OFF



    ashley has done us a favour getting rid of bs....agree about the shirt like, needs to change that

  5. Zog & Enrique only positives to come out of that............hope to Christ Mort and Ashley have a plan but ive a horrible feeling that they dont


    i will not blame them at all, but thank them for sacking him, with or without a plan, everyone knows the same thing would have happend even if sam had been here



  6. we've just been outplayed and beaten by a world class man utd team with world class players. the second best player in the world ripped apart a defence that concedes goals easily every week.


    i for one am f****** disgusted by this. sack whoever is left!  :frantic:


    move on boys and girls, no use dwelling on this.


    I'm sorry mate but this encapsulates the entire season. It's been building towards this humiliation, we've been getting off the hook for months. We're in deep, deep s***. Managerless, passionless and noone in their right mind will touch this club with a f****** barge pole


    aye spot on... if allardyce didnt get the sack b4, he would have now... sam would have palyed the same if not worse, enrique, our best player wouldnt even have been on the pitch... this is the legacy that is sam, if i wasnt so sure b4 i am now, thank fuck he's out

  7. God i dont know whats worse watching us lose or reading the over reactions on here. its like everyone thought we were going to win. get a grip.



    most people are on about the performance and how rubbish we really are


    Most teams look s**** against manure, they're up top for good reason. People need a bit of a slap thinking we'd get anything at old trafford, we haven't for 30 years


    has anyone looked as shit as us?  even sunlun' only conceded one

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