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Posts posted by Rob

  1. Think about it  ... the star of the season has been Sven right? Last coached a domestic team in Italy, wears glasses, 61 yrs old, grey hair.


    The closest thing is Lippi who shares the exact same characteristics! He is available and so we won't have to pay anyone for their manager, and he is a world class manager who is loking to get back into football.


    Check out these quotes from the man himself ...


    Im ready, willing and enthusiastic to coach in England even though I know that people mistakenly say I can´t speak English.


    What such people forget is that football is multi-lingual every major club has players from many different countries and I can speak enough English and French as well as Italian."






    more substance than that redknapp article thats for bloody sure...


    still jose though

  2. no IT HAS to jose ... the owner is no fool , he's sat with the crowd, he knows what jose has done, he has the money to pay him, robsons told jose how he would be idolised, he's told him how difficult it is to do it... its nailed as jose .. surley it has to be

  3. the only way sam would leave on a mutual basis, is if he thought someone better than him was put in place... who does he idolise? ...mouriniho


    ashley knows, for f*** sake, we arent going to be happy with anyone else but him... is he really going so stupid to let himself sit in the stands after he's appointed, maclaren, rednap, hughes?


    bollocks, this guy wants sucess, he has the money,


    he wants jose


    Lets say theres an £8mill offer a year to Mourinho on the table with large bonuses, 4 year contract, large transfer kitty promised (eg £50-60mill a season for the next 4 years, plus more if we can land a huge name).


    Would Jose turn that down? Would that be enough to get us back into challenging for a CL spot? Would Ashley be willing to fork out that much? Noone knows except them.


    Its very unlikely we'd land him, but theres no denying that money talks. Im sure everyone has a price, and if you look at all the factors, what does he have to lose realistically? He's only in his mid 40s - failing up here would not ruin his career, especially with our reputation of being perennial losers, such a failure could just be one blemish on an otherwise distinguished career (who cares about Lippi failing at Inter for example?), a career that still has a long way to go if he chooses. And im pretty sure he was fed up at Chelsea a while back because of the lack of recognition of his success due to big money spending at a time when noone else was able to compete - now the situation is totally different in terms of spending power, and if he wants a challenge where success would prove his class...


    Tiny, tiny chance, but its not pie in the sky stuff, because who's to say that £2million extra a year in his pocket wont make a massive difference to his options?


    When he joined chelsea what were they? nowt, crap, shite, only a fucking rack of money ... what do we have?.... nowt, we're crap, we're shite,? ...we have an owner who is RICH who craves success as we do

    jesus man he should love to come here, he would be a fucking proper god, not a god to fucking shit chelsea fans, but to the whole of the north east!


    it has to be jose

  4. One other thing to consider about Hughes and Redknapp is they've never managed a club like us (not going to say as 'big', but with these expectations). They've never been entrusted with masses of money have they?


    Ashley and Mort have experienced first-hand what it's like here when results and then performances aren't up to scratch. Allardyce ran out of ideas. I hope they'll get someone used to the pressure, used to big names, spending big money (well, Mr. Souness). That points to one of the big guns.


    all fingers points to ONE man

  5. Just can't imagine Ashley going near Redknapp, and Redknapp coming up norf.


    exaclty i had heard in the past the redknapp loves it daarnn saaarf ... why the fuck would he want to come up here? ... portsmouth are very well off and  arent exactly sunlun'

  6. the only way sam would leave on a mutual basis, is if he thought someone better than him was put in place... who does he idolise? ...mouriniho


    ashley knows, for fuck sake, we arent going to be happy with anyone else but him... is he really going so stupid to let himself sit in the stands after he's appointed, maclaren, rednap, hughes?


    bollocks, this guy wants sucess, he has the money,


    he wants jose

  7. how can anyone justify such negative football ... we have creative talent in our squad which is being told to stop being creative because he's scared of conceding goals... this is obviously rubbing off on the players

    "Creative talent"? Where?


    we have it's just not very evident at the minute ..because it's being stiffled by negative football

    Who has it then in our squad?

    emre zog milner duff martins all have talent just cant see it at the minute

  8. Well I've resigned myself now that he won't be here much longer, too many odds stacked against him. He would literally have to finish in the top 6 to win a lot of people over, including the board I imagine. Ah well, May could be fun. Or even Jan.


    are you not just resigning to the fact that sams tactics are woefully inept and should probably go? Dont get me wrong i would love him to do well and add stability to the club, but he is doing this to himself... his tactics have been baffling

  9. how can anyone justify such negative football ... we have creative talent in our squad which is being told to stop being creative because he's scared of conceding goals... this is obviously rubbing off on the players


    Funny how how best defensive records came under how most attack minded manager isn't it?


    best form of defence is attack... keeping the ball as far away from our net as possible, but just not in the carpark where geremi seems to hoof it

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