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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. The way Howe works no player, no matter how good they are, is going to come straight into the team anyway - it will be up to them to prove in training that thye are worthy of a place.  If we carry on winning and the current players keep performing then new signings will likely be limited to sub appearances until someone gets injured, suspended or their form drops.  decent cover for Bruno and Trippier are the only positions i see as urgent TBH.  We are light a central midfielder anyway so someone like Tielemans who could deputise for Bruno/replace longstaff for games when we will have more of the ball would be perfect.  Thje young aspanish lad at RB seems perfect as Trippier is always going to tart when available.  For everything else i'd be waiting until the Summer

  2. I'm sure there would be a way of loading some of Moukoko's wages into his signing on bonus if we were concerned about it disrupting squad harmony.  I'm just going to assume that the people in charge of the numbers are competent and know what they are doing until proven otherwise.


  3. In other good news it looks like their training facilities are better than ours currently.  I cant wait for the day I don't have to cringe every time i see new signings arriving at Benton.

  4. Ordered a shirt 14th December, had an email to say it had despatched 20th December but the courier tracking says they are still waiting for the package.  Have emailed for confirmation a number of times without any response.

  5. 25 minutes ago, gbandit said:

    We need someone who understands football finance to come in here and explain it as I haven’t got a clue but wasn’t there something about Abramovich writing off the club’s debt that allowed them to spend like this? Which is insane if true

    How about that fella from RTG?

  6. 4 hours ago, Mazzy said:

    From the moment I heard the Jorginho rumours I've been absolutely against it. However thinking about it a little more overnight there is a scenario where I think a player like him is valuable to our squad.


    1. He needs to be a free signing, that lessens the blow slighty.


    2. Shelvey would have to have left. Would seem ridiculous to have both of them in our squad when our whole system is based on intensity and pressing.


    3. We'd need to be competing in Europe (I'm all for positivity, but it's not guaranteed yet)


    4. His wages can't be stretching beyond our current highest earner. I wouldn't be against him coming in as joint highest if that's an absolute deal break but definitely no more.


    All of these would have to be true for me to be happy to see him signing. Obviously if he does, anything could happen and he may well do fantastic here but I'm sceptical. 

    I agree with all of this.  He would be a big upgrade on Shelvey.  He would allow Bruno to move up to an 8 when required. 


    Most importantly it would give us someone who can evade the press and distribute the ball when Bruno inevitably misses some games. Him in and Shelvey out would be a massive improvement - whether he is up to the high fitness pressing Howe requires I'm not sure, but he can't be any worse than Shelvey in that respect.

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