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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. Where is all this abuse that he has received?  Can't say I've seen anything other than people saying he's shit or he's fat - both of which are objectively true.  He didn't have it easy under Ashley but he knew what he was signing up for and was obviously not up to the job in the first place.  He has walked away with 8 million quid and the entire premier League queuing up to suck him off!

  2. 34 minutes ago, GWN said:


    sorry if already posted , canny transfer kitty :dance:


    Is this the reason they were so set on us then?  Gives them the scope to spend whatever they want for the next couple of years without any issues with FFP?

  3. I'm not a racist and i'm not not being racist. I'm looking at the position of central midfield and the history of good players who've played there. The examples are Kante,Matuidi,Veira,Makalele,Soumare,Kondogbia,Keita,Wanyama,Tiote RIP. If we can unearth a player like that our central midfield would be better than with Shelvey or Longstaff in it.


    Abdoulaye Faye says hi

  4. Dude is fighting to hold on to his life sentence :lol: Poor mad bastid.


    In a way, I genuinely wished I had as healthy a relationship with sports as Seymour, where you don't really care one way or another what you're served. You just support whatever is in front of you as long as it has the right colour shirt (although, even that might not be a red line for the truly persistent supporter).

    Thats what being a supporter is all about man :lol: you support through thick and thin.

    By doing so I've seen good times and bad times.


    Urgh, Are you trying not to listen and understand?  By paying money to Mike Ashley you are part of the problem.  I will always be a Newcastle United supporter but i wont be supporting Mike Ashley with my money.  If you just want to go to the game on a Saturday then fair enough, but please dont try to make out that by cheering on our players you are somehow going to help the team do better or progress - to do that the club requires an owner with ambition and some motivation other than a quick profit..  I'd wager that 99% of those on here who are boycotting the club would happily come back into the fold in the Championship, League 1 or League 2 under new owners that wanted the best for the club

  5. That is their supposed biggest investment yet because it was just a “Mou” agreement it could have well of been just a PR stunt to make it look like they have big past investments.


    Just makes me think this is just a PR stunt and they won’t even get past proof of funds.


    To what end?  Being shown up (again) as a company that doesnt have sufficient funds to complete a deal?  Not the best PR.

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