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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. 1 minute ago, tomlynnherrington said:

    Big Joe is ok if we’re happy to simply break into the top ten.Not good enough if we’re to get anywhere near 6th or higher.


  2. 31 minutes ago, Hanshithispantz said:

    He looks outrageous defensively. I still think we'll go for a more technically gifted CM like, although he doesn't look bad on the ball by any means.



    I mainly like him because number 4 is correct for a defensive midfielder.  Fuck off with all this number 6 shite.

  3. Similar price to what we had agreed for Ekiteke.  Perhaps he doesn't have the same potential but he has experience of the league, is settled in the country and seems to be keen on the move.  If Eddie likes him, I'm happy.

  4. 7 minutes ago, CheMandelaGhandi said:

    You do this all the time. Just yesterday you were talking about how confident you were that the club would be targeting two players that literally nobody had ever linked us with, based on nothing but your own imagination and hopes. Let’s not throw stones now chaps.

    How would you know what he does all the time when you joined 15 minutes ago.  Seriously - what is wrong with you?

  5. 1 minute ago, Colos Short and Curlies said:

    It’s the structure on incentives (£xm after winning the champions league etc) and initial loan that assists with FFP, not over what period you physically hand over cash for the fee. 

    That males more sense, ta!

  6. Also, how do the clauses contribute to ffp?  If we have a clause that Riems get an extra 10m if we qualify for Europe does that amount only get taken into accounting terms once that condition is met?  Im sure there are lots of clever accounting tricks that can be used in order to circumvent the ffp rules - the fact that all our proposed deals are widely reported to be very complicated structurally suggests that we are attempting to use all of these methods

  7. If it makes no difference why is it being reported that the club are trying to structure deals in such a way to assist with FFP?  Is it just poor reporting?  Im not having a go at anyone, im just trying to get my head round it.

  8. 17 minutes ago, TheBrownBottle said:

    I think Henderson would be a good signing - though this is on the basis that we retain Dubravka.  Having two decent PL quality goalkeepers seems like a minimum requirement to me - we shouldn't let too many years of Ashley make us forget that

    Which other premier league teams have two good goalkeepers?  There always seems to be a massive gulf between first and second choice, even at the very top teams.  The backup.keeper at city, for example, has always looked terrible whenever ive seen him play 

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