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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. Some people need to calm down.


    No doubt Nolan has done great for us the last two years on and off the pitch, but teams, clubs and players move on. This is life. Nolan isnt good enough on the pitch if the club/Pardew have ambitions of progressing. Ive said it before, but when he doesnt score, he contributes very little.


    Ill be sad to see him go, I like him, he clearly loves the club, but you cant have someone on £40k plus a week for the next 5 years hanging around the dressing room to motivate people.


    KK wasnt scared to move people on when we got promoted.



    ^ Agree with all of this.


    Fair enough, but When Keegan did it I was confident it was his decision.  This looks a lot more like Ashley's decision that Pardew's

  2. Craig Gardner would be a massive upgrade on Nolan.


    Craig Gardner would be no more than a sideways step in terms of ability.


    He has more to his game than Nolan, also is fairly young.


    Nolan is hardly old at 28


    He turns 29 on 24th June.


    Oh, my mistake - he's clearly past it then


    Just saying, man!



    Sorry, not meaning to have a go, but the idea that only players who are under 25 are worth having, that seems quite common on this forum, really pisses me off.  I think we'd all admit that Nolan's game is limited but he has experience and leadership qualities that are already severely lacking in our team.

  3. Craig Gardner would be a massive upgrade on Nolan.


    Craig Gardner would be no more than a sideways step in terms of ability.


    He has more to his game than Nolan, also is fairly young.


    Nolan is hardly old at 28


    He turns 29 on 24th June.


    Oh, my mistake - he's clearly past it then

  4. Craig Gardner would be a massive upgrade on Nolan.


    Craig Gardner would be no more than a sideways step in terms of ability.


    He has more to his game than Nolan, also is fairly young.


    Nolan is hardly old at 28


    looks like he's 35 and plays like a 40 year old though. Imagine that in 2 years time?


    how many 40 year old midfielders do you know of who have scored 12 goals in the premier league?

  5. Craig Gardner would be a massive upgrade on Nolan.


    Craig Gardner would be no more than a sideways step in terms of ability.


    He has more to his game than Nolan, also is fairly young.


    Nolan is hardly old at 28

  6. Total misunderstanding of how football works from people on here like. It's a team game, not a computer game where you can sign a load of foreigners, throw them on the field and expect it to just work.

    exactly, people on here are getting so excited about wonder scout Carr going and buying a dozen new Tiote's while not bothering to think about what might happen if they don't all adapt to English football as well as he has

  7. Even if we're keen to sell, it's insane that nobody else would be in for him.


    For what it's worth I think the club executives never really liked the existence of "this group of lads" and they made up their minds to disassemble what they saw as "player power" as soon as they could afford to do so. That kind of thinking no doubt largely motivated the Hughton sacking and the current ostracizing of Nolan and Barton during the off-season.


    It's a risky decision and I'm certainly not happy with it. Reeks of Mike Ashley's pathological inability to deal with anybody who has a stronger personality/presence within the club than he does. (Shearer, Keegan etc.)


    Or Nolan is limited, has spat his dummy out at a new contract and wants away.


    Nolan wanting away must be a factor in this (if it's true). From Ashley's point of view it's probably going to take more than 4m, or whatever the fee is, to replace him and we all know that he doesn't like big spending to replace players. Anyone fancy Gardner to replace him if he goes?


    Axel has it in the bag, more money, much longer contract and won't have to fight for a first team place. WHam will be favs to come straight back up as well. It's a good move for Kevin Nolan, if we get back what we paid for him it can be a good move for us as well. Gardner would easily replace him on the pitch, in fact he'd be a vast improvement as he can score all types of goals and isn't just an opportunist.


    Problem being captaincy, yes he's a good captain, but he can be replaced and Barton is the man to do it, give him the captaincy as part of him signing a new deal.


    It's said Smith offers a lot to the team spirit, can't see anyone wanting him to hang around just for that, fair enough Nolan scores goals, but in terms of what else they provide on the pitch its very similar and we cannot afford passengers, I think Cabaye would have him benched after a few games and will become much more important to the balance of the team than the odd chance of a Nolan goal.


    I don't think Barton will be signing a new deal if Nolan leaves

  8. The club know's while he's in Newcastle in won't improve his off field antics.  He'll still be out every night possible in Tup Tup or any other s**** club with his homies.  That's why they want a permanent transfer me thinks.


    The same happened with Dyer etc, who were at the club for years and never learnt their lesson.


    There's no problem with him moving while on loan. He might mature, he might impress, he might up his value, but he might also be s****. It's definitely the best option anyway.


    Or more likely he won't mature and will show his attitude is s*** wherever he is playing. We will then have missed out on the chance to get rid of him and could be stuck with him for the next five years

  9. Until we know what system Pardew is planning to use it is hard to know what sort of striker would work best. If he plans to play three attacking players who are all capable of scoring around the new striker it may be that a big, strong Target man who can bring other players into the game and contribute 10 or so goals a season might well be more effective than an put and out goal scorer

  10. Yes Shaun, the goals of Messi and Connor Wckham are undoubtedly comparable.

    Watch Messi's goals. 80% of them are defensive errors.



    An 18 year who's scored about 6 goals in 50 odd appearences, and he's worth 10m? I'm not doubting his ability but the price suggested is ridiculous.

    I would, i don't think he'll ever be a starter for England he was brought through at a young age and got him noticed he doesn't look that good for me.


    I agree, and I think it happens a lot in England. Players potentials are often overrated if they break through at a younger age. He's got potential to be a good player, just not as good as some people are making out imo.


    Agreed - just because he has matured physically quicker than most other players his age, it doesn't make him worth £10m.  He looks promising, but 10m quid is a joke considering you could get established (non-english) internationals for the same price

  11. Why should anyone believe anyone over anything in football, pretty much everyone is dishonest in this industry and Carroll has quite a track record of being a bit of a pleb, he will try and cover his own back in this as will the club, we'll never really know the whole truth so it's pointless debating what really happened.


    I'm glad we took the money tbh the lad is hugely overrated and we could buy 2-3 far superior players with that cash. It's even more ridiculous when you consider we bought Ben Arfa for a 7th of what we sold Carroll and he has a track record of being a better player.


    Now we just need to reinvest and I think we will, we could quite easily spend 20m on a really decent striker in the summer and have a fair bit left over to get a couple Tiote-esque players (in terms of price not position) coming in as well, as long as we survive, which we will imo, then this will be a bigger step forward for the club.


    I agree.  I'm not sure why everyone has to side with either Carroll or Ashley - can't we just say that they are all c**ts and should all take a portion of the blame and move on.  As long as we re-invest in the summer I'll be reasonably happy. 


  12. The reason he is so valuable to us is not just that he has the potential to be very good, but that he actually wants to stay at Newcastle.  Having a player with a scrap of loyalty is very rare these days (Darren Bent).


    While I agree that Suarez is a very good player there is no gaurantee he will settle in England or adapt to the English style of play meaning he is much more of a gamble than Carrol would be fo an English club - it is this together with ability that determines the value of a player.

  13. Just a personal opinion on Shola, I hate him.


    I can't even bring myself to begin to to talk about his goal scoring record because he is so lazy, careless and unintelligent in general play. In order to justify having Shola on the pitch with his general attributes he would have to score 2 goals every game in my opinion. Just such an absolute donkey of a player. I find I'm just always relieved when he scores as I can never quite believe he has managed to.


    At 29 he is still offside as often as he was at the age of 12 I imagine. Still struggles to challenge for headers, never mind win them, without fouling the defenders the majority of the time. Still loses concentration way too much and fumbles the ball under no pressure whatsoever. Just a nightmare to watch. I personally just can't take this type of player. And lo and behold just when you think he might be putting together a tiny bit of anything resembling some sort of form he will get injured.


    What kind of human being is this? Seriously?


    And yet you'll argue in favour of Bothroyd who has a significantly inferior goalscoring record. Weird.


    Perhaps Bothroyd is peaking now though, wheras Shola has been consistently average through his entire career.

  14. Shola would probably be a 15 goal a season championship player, no idea how he has spent his career in the premier league.


    Well considering he scored 10 in 11 starts last season I don't understand what this inference is based on.


    That division is dogshit. The likes of Ebanks-Blake and Jason Scotland have ripped it to shreds in the past. Chopra is the Drogba of that division and Kevin Nolan was it's Lampard.


    If Shola could keep himself fit for upwards of 40 games he'd hit 25 goals, absolutely no doubt. With Shola's fitness problems lies the difficulty in him ever achieving this, obviously.


    would he do it in a team that wasn't far superior to the rest of the league though?  Put Shola in an average championship team and I thinki he would struggle to get more than 15 a season - even if he could stay fit.

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