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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. Brad Jones' point to the sky. Pathetic.

    Eh, what's pathetic about that?


    I assumed it was in tribute to something that happened in a different country to him when he was about 7.


    Ah, ok. Think it's probably to do with his lad rather than that.

  2. I do find the way that they play a bit dull and it's not the way I'd like to see us play, but many on here seem to be basing their opinion on Swansea's tactics solely on today's performance - I have seen them play with much more purpose and attacking threat in other games when they have used their wingers much more effectively than they did today. I find the idea that their style is somehow anti football and deserving of comparison with Stoke pretty laughable.

  3. Is there a more difficult job in football management, than turning around a once successful club whose form has dipped? The pressure to succeed and succeed quickly is immense, and it comes from the media as well as the fans. The result is often a series of big money signings who it is hoped will bridge the immediate gap between the club and whoever has taken over their mantle. Usually that gap still remains or widens. Man U suffered that way for many years while Liverpool were on top, and in recent years the tables are turned.


    Before Man U's current domination, Fergie took them to their lowest league position since the early 70's. The club went through a process of clearing out the dead wood and starting from scratch. It doesn't feel like Liverpool have yet reached that point, although it might be thrust upon them.


    Dalglish was one of the very few people who would have been given the time (by the fans at least) to try and rebuild the team with talented youngsters with potential to improve - instead he bought a load of average premier league players and looked for a quick fix

  4. I'll feel sorry for Steven Taylor me like. Was class in the first half of the season, and Douglas wouldn't come here to just sit on the bench. I'd rather we signed a centre half who was say 20/21 who wouldn't mind sitting on the bench and getting the odd game in the cups and hopefully Europe,with the view that he would be Coloccini's long term replacement.


    I'd rather we simply got someone better than Steven Taylor.  Taylor was good while he was fit this season but his form over his entire career has been inconsistent at best.  Coloccini could feasibly be playing for us for the next 4 years, I don't think it is realistic to expect a talented youngster to wait that long to become a first team regular.

  5. Yeah, OK.

    Just get the apostrophe right abcdefg :thup:



    It should be "James's"


    James not being a plural. But since it hasn't been that for easily a century I might have to bow down to the illiterate James'. It's more symbolic anyway, and would need to be carried out quickly.


    I thought you could just do what you liked at the end of words like James, i.e. James' / James's, it doesn't matter.


    James's would be correct English. But as it's the name of a place it doesn't really matter no. Anyway, I'm not really going to spray it on, I rarely get that drunk these days, just testing the water. But yes, car spray is a much better idea than house paint. The spray is much quicker, and more difficult to remove. Just putting that out there.


    Either is absolutely acceptable whether it's a place name or not.

  6. Absolutely vital he plays while Cabaye is out in my opinion. Not sure where the creativity will come from otherwise. Unfortunately I can see Raylor and Obertan starting and us relying on long balls and set pieces.

  7. On my way back from the game. At half time I thought we were going to cruise it - I haven't seen us in such control of a game all season, they couldn't get near the ball. Not changing the tactics when jol brought Johnson on was a massive mistake though. If we had dropped deeper and played on the break I'm pretty sure we would have got a result. Just because this high pressing game worked against man u pardew seems to think it will work for everyone

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