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Posts posted by simonsays

  1. So - it seems everyone agrees he should be in the team (perhaps with the exception of Christmas Tree?).  The debate seems to be should he play behind the striker or on the wing - after Pardew's comments it seems he is only being considered in a central role and I think it is this that Ronaldo is questioning rather than is he good enough/is he better than Best.

  2. When was the last time Man United played a 4-4-2? :lol: 


    This is completely pointless from the off but I digress.


    Look up the difference between a few basic formations, say - 4-4-2, 4-3-3, 5-3-2, etc etc and write down what you would say a position is and what basic responsibilities are then go to a match, have some banter with people older than 20, read a book etc etc.




    Again, I agree, completely pointless.  Then again I wasn't the pedant who started it. Also, for your information I am 32, go to football matches pretty regularly and work for a book publisher (one of my imprints being sports titles only) so I feel I can comfortably say I have read more books than you have.


    Really? :lol:


    For example - Nani is a winger.


    Is it clear yet?


    Agreed - and I have seen him play in a 4-4-2 on the right wing.  Does that mean he is a right midfielder in those games?

  4. I was taking the p*ss with half back like ;)


    I would call Barton a centre midfielder because it's where he plays best.


    That's a whole different argument


    In which case we move to a very, very basic argument.


    If Barton is playing on the right of midfield - he's a right midfielder. If he plays in goal he is a goal keeper. If he plays as a winger he's a winger. etc etc


    Surely by your logic it should be if he plays on the wing he's a winger?  therefore Jonas and Obertan are wingers.


    I'm going to sit with the rest of the football world on this one.



    Yep, me too.  Ask most of the football world what position Jonas plays I'm pretty sure the answer would be winger/on the wing. 

  5. I was taking the p*ss with half back like ;)


    I would call Barton a centre midfielder because it's where he plays best.


    That's a whole different argument


    In which case we move to a very, very basic argument.


    If Barton is playing on the right of midfield - he's a right midfielder. If he plays in goal he is a goal keeper. If he plays as a winger he's a winger. etc etc


    Surely by your logic it should be if he plays on the wing he's a winger?  therefore Jonas and Obertan are wingers.


    Left mid you gimp, or half back ;)


    Then how would you differentiate between a player like Barton and a player like Obertan?  Both ostensibly played the the same position but have very different roles.  Re halfback - So you are actually using the original definitions of a footballers position then?  I'd like to see how you would describe a full back given that the role of a modern fullback bears almost no relation to the duties of that role originally.


    You're getting confused between midfielders and wingers a bit fella.


    How so?  Are you suggesting that Obertan and Jonas aren't wingers?


    A winger is an outside forward, Obertan and Jonas are midfielders - yes they play on the wing but you don't catch wingers with much defensive duty at all.


    Apologies - in future I will say 'a player who plays on the right/left wing' rather than winger.  It does seem that some people on here wouldn't have been able to describe a players position before football manager told them how to.

  8. his most important contribution was giving away a daft penalty.


    What a load of garbage. Such a mackem anti-NUFC s***


    Well, no, it's actually a fact. :lol:


    Who would you be supporting right now if Hatem had signed for the mackems, eh? Such a whore.


    The penalty is a fact yes but it's "his most important contribution" for RDT posters.

    Hatem hadn't signed for the mackems, so you question is pointless as usual and he didn't choose Newcastle by accident.

    The subject here isn't my person neither, but the load of s*** you're capable of when talking about this player.


    It clearly was his most important contribution, you fairy. He played well but that's the only action that directly impacted the scoreline.


    By all means attack my opinions, although it's becoming very tedious to say the least. Quite laughable that you (and countless other minions) come on here looking for an argument with those of us who pay your fantasy man's salary. That it offends you so deeply that I want him to play RW says everything that needs to be said about you as a person - if joining this forum simply because of one player didn't already.


    I actually agree that we should try him out on the wing, particularly as Best has had a very good season so far.  Unfortunately it seems that Pardew wants to play with two hard working wingers who are willing to run the length of the touchline the entire game, tackling back when necessary - this is not a role I can see Ben Arfa playing in effectively.  Ultimately this means that it comes down to a choice between Ben Arfa and Best to play alongside Ba - Ben Arfa would be my choice in this instance.

  9. You are fairly clueless about football for somebody who claims to be in his mid 40's.  Ben Arfa did very little wrong yesterday apart from giving away a free kick for going in too high with his foot up around waist height and another time when we cleared the ball from the centre of our defence and he couldn't control a ball with his chest.  Other than that he played fairly well and took pressure off us when others around him were struggling after Monday night’s game.


    What about the time when Ba was in space and only needed to be slipped through to have a clear run on goal, instead of doing that Ben Arfa heheld on to it too long and tried to beat the fullback again before losing possession.


    What he'll find is if he doesn't start releasing the ball at the right time soon then our players will stop making those runs, we've seen that with unpredictable players here in the past.


    He had a split second, and that's all it was to try and bend a ball between two defenders.  Ba had a Distin between him and Ben Arfa and Ben Arfa had the fullback next to him so the gap was tiny, he also had McFadden closing him down.


    Mick, Ba was not only unmarked when HBA picked the ball up but he had plenty of space to run in to with only the keeper between him and the goal if it was played early enough, he delayed it far too long and ended up losing it.


    Talented played when it usually comes to beating a man but I'm doubting the lads got a footballing brain.


    What utter s****.  Anyway, weren't you supposed to be leaving when we didn't sign N'Zogbia?


    Elaborate please.


    Are you saying Ba wasn't in space and only had fresh air between him and the goal if played in?


    I'm responding to your claim that you are unsure if Ben Arfa has a footballing brain.  Rather than basing your assumptions on about an hours worth of football why not try taking a look at some footage of Ben Arfa from his former clubs when he was settled in the team and hadn't just come back from a career threatening injury.


    So being out so long injured is the reason he can't pick a pass or spot runs from team mates on a regular basis and instead holding on to it until he either gets tackled or fouled.


    This injury wasn't to his head was it?


    partly, yes.  He is clearly off the pace and has yet to gel with his team mates.  I also think there is an element of him trying too hard to impress - the pressure and expectation on him is ridiculous and I'm sure that comes across to him when he is on the pitch.

  10. You are fairly clueless about football for somebody who claims to be in his mid 40's.  Ben Arfa did very little wrong yesterday apart from giving away a free kick for going in too high with his foot up around waist height and another time when we cleared the ball from the centre of our defence and he couldn't control a ball with his chest.  Other than that he played fairly well and took pressure off us when others around him were struggling after Monday night’s game.


    What about the time when Ba was in space and only needed to be slipped through to have a clear run on goal, instead of doing that Ben Arfa heheld on to it too long and tried to beat the fullback again before losing possession.


    What he'll find is if he doesn't start releasing the ball at the right time soon then our players will stop making those runs, we've seen that with unpredictable players here in the past.


    He had a split second, and that's all it was to try and bend a ball between two defenders.  Ba had a Distin between him and Ben Arfa and Ben Arfa had the fullback next to him so the gap was tiny, he also had McFadden closing him down.


    Mick, Ba was not only unmarked when HBA picked the ball up but he had plenty of space to run in to with only the keeper between him and the goal if it was played early enough, he delayed it far too long and ended up losing it.


    Talented played when it usually comes to beating a man but I'm doubting the lads got a footballing brain.


    What utter s****.  Anyway, weren't you supposed to be leaving when we didn't sign N'Zogbia?


    Elaborate please.


    Are you saying Ba wasn't in space and only had fresh air between him and the goal if played in?


    I'm responding to your claim that you are unsure if Ben Arfa has a footballing brain.  Rather than basing your assumptions on about an hours worth of football why not try taking a look at some footage of Ben Arfa from his former clubs when he was settled in the team and hadn't just come back from a career threatening injury.

  11. You are fairly clueless about football for somebody who claims to be in his mid 40's.  Ben Arfa did very little wrong yesterday apart from giving away a free kick for going in too high with his foot up around waist height and another time when we cleared the ball from the centre of our defence and he couldn't control a ball with his chest.  Other than that he played fairly well and took pressure off us when others around him were struggling after Monday night’s game.


    What about the time when Ba was in space and only needed to be slipped through to have a clear run on goal, instead of doing that Ben Arfa heheld on to it too long and tried to beat the fullback again before losing possession.


    What he'll find is if he doesn't start releasing the ball at the right time soon then our players will stop making those runs, we've seen that with unpredictable players here in the past.


    He had a split second, and that's all it was to try and bend a ball between two defenders.  Ba had a Distin between him and Ben Arfa and Ben Arfa had the fullback next to him so the gap was tiny, he also had McFadden closing him down.


    Mick, Ba was not only unmarked when HBA picked the ball up but he had plenty of space to run in to with only the keeper between him and the goal if it was played early enough, he delayed it far too long and ended up losing it.


    Talented played when it usually comes to beating a man but I'm doubting the lads got a footballing brain.


    What utter shite.  Anyway, weren't you supposed to be leaving when we didn't sign N'Zogbia?

  12. Europe is a long, long way away. But if we're talking hypothetically.....

    By next year we should be looking to give Sammy and Vuckic more time on the pitch, I think both of these players would do well for our team, given a good run of games. Tavernier is also looking really promising (I know league 1) and could possibly be involved more next season. Haven’t got a clue about Abeid apart from the few crackers he’s scored.


    Steven Fletcher always looks good when he plays for Wolves. Shame he's always injured though  :undecided:


    Wigan, Watson and Diame are the best of a bad bunch there. Really liking the look of Diame, proper beast of a midfielder (can’t finish for toffee) who would be a nice back up for Tiote.


    West Brom, Brunt is the obvious one here. What about Chris Wood, though? Tearing the Championship and Europe apart the kid is a real prospect.



    I think Moses has looked good for Wigan this season - wouldn't mind seeing us in for him when Wigan go down (assuming we don't get Hoilett)

  13. A lot of people on here seem to think that we only need 11 players and that we have to play that same 11 every week. Has anyone thought that one of our strikers may get injured or lose form. Also has anyone considered that ba and best are playing well because we have the likes of Ben arfa waiting to take their place if they lose form. I can't believe it has gone from everyone saying we should be building the team around him to the majority saying the only spot left up for grabs is on the right wing.

  14. What about if you are targeting the near post for your corners, looking for flick ons or for a striker to nick in ahead of his marker? I think in that case you can expect to hit the first man quite often

  15. He's coming under far too much scrutiny and criticism already, considering how little into his comeback it is. He needs some time to find himself on a football pitch again, both mentally and physically but he can't do that with the added pressure of people nitpicking over every aspect of his performance and playing style at such early stages. Just let the kid breathe and find his feet, there's a good chance he won't be the same player in a month.



    He supposedly bottled 50/50 tackles which I still haven't seen after watching the match twice tonight.  The only thing I felt he could have improved on was a few of his first touches being a little heavy and he'll soon get over that.


    There were definitely at least two occasions where he pulled out of tackles that he could feasibly have won.  Perfectly understandable after the injury though and I'm sure it will just be a matter of time before he gets the confidence back

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