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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Is that their original colours? I just find it strange how their away kit is Man Utd's colours.
  2. Anyone else depressed that this thread and shite threads like it are going to dominate the football section for the next few months? Typical summer of course, but well worth avoiding.
  3. He makes me fucking sick. I was furious earlier, but hes gone now. My mind is at Newcastle and how we build for next season. Fuck this mercenary cunt. When he is on his death bed he wont have a club that foundly remembers him as a legend. Thats something trophies cant buy. We'll move on. I hope Newcastle fans leave this bitterness behind now and dont take it into next season. I can talk like, I hate the cunt, but im willing to forget him and move on.
  4. Im going to sound like a right cunt. The season was unreal, fucking top class. I cant feel that though at the end of a 3-3 draw in which we lead 3-0. Thats utter failure right there. Thats the last game before next season. I want our players to fucking play for the shirt every game and most of our fringe players cant be fucked.
  5. Decky


    They finished above us, it fucking kills me and im nee local, but youve to hand it to them, over 38 games they got more points. We blew a 3-0 lead man, let them enjoy their moment, they will celebrate it like they won the champions league, but we will be back. 2 points, thats fucking nothing, howay Newcastle.
  6. Decky


    Fair play to Giggs, Imogen's some bit of stuff.
  7. Decky

    Owen Hargreaves

    Absolutely never.
  8. Not sure to be honest. We could finish 8th tomorrow. Considering Liverpool will probably finish 6th, why should we be selling our best players to them? We should be buying to compete with them really.
  9. Or maybe Pardew is his yes man who is willing to live with next to no transfer funds and being told what to do. http://forums.atomixro.com/images/smilies/troll.png
  10. I think we'll continue this trend for as long as Ashley is here as well, no matter how high we finish in the league.
  11. The most worrying thing about this is our track record with left backs since Bernard left us (the first time). That position was always a pain in the arse and it was sorted with Enrique there. We more than likely wont replace him properly and have to suffer awful left backs once again.
  12. I think this years in long sleeve is lovely as well tbh. You cant go wrong with our design though, its just stripes. They managed to fuck that up big time this year with just 2 white stripes.
  13. Considering how black our home top is, surely that away kit is 100% fake?
  14. That does look alright actually. Guess it looks better when its a smaller size. Its going to be far too black on the fatties.
  15. A win at the weekend should secure a top 10 place Lets hope Ashley doesnt think that means we already have a top ten side. We've done well this year, but we've nee strikers leek.
  16. I like to wear football tops when im sitting around the house. Not sure about England in the actual cities, but over here people wear them to the pub during the day on Saturday/Sunday when the football is on as well. I guess its different here because so many people support different teams and in that sense it is a way to show who you support. I'd just rather the shirt didnt look shit, its not impossible to make a good looking NUFC shirt like. If people on internet forums can design brilliant shirts then why cant Puma's designers?
  17. I've got to agree. On the hanger it looks like shit, on a person it looks good. I'll say the same as I said last year though. Football shirts arn't a piece of fashion, they are a shirt you wear on a match day with pride and passion and to show who you support, where you come from and what you bleed. Anyone thinking football shirts are a piece of fashion need a word with themselves. You were talking shit then and you're talking shit now. It may not be high-fashion, but people still prefer to wear an item of clothing that doesn't look like total fucking shit. Using your way of thinking, NUFC could release a potato-sack with a photo of a massive cock on the front and you'd still be beaming with pride.
  18. Will be wearing the orange away kit next year like. This is the worst home kit we've had in some time.
  19. Decky


    I dont get them slagging his show, isnt it really popular in the states? It was definitely popular enough here.
  20. Decky


    Isnt that obvious in the articles? The City of Sunderland is a metropolitan borough, Sunderland is a city within that area.
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