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Everything posted by Decky

  1. Decky


    Yeah maybe, but no other striker did, Oba did.
  2. Plastic fans??? In what way? In the way that all my mates and most of Ireland are ManUre fans and all bar 2 of them have never been to OT, the 2 that have been have only been twice. Now when your team plays the football and has the players like Man Utd surely you would always be there? They say they cant afford to go, when our local pub organises trips to OT for £80 a head. 80 fucking quid man. One of my friends started supporting them after they won the league last year ffs. Also to these guys their idea of support is LITERALLY sitting in the pub cheering, they do shit like clap off subs, chant etc. When they played us there recently, they were chanting shit like "sad geordie bastards" and "cheerio" etc, there was only 1 nufc there and that was me and i wasnt even going anywhere. They chant to the TV and that makes them content, they couldnt care less about going to games. Also most of them claim to be these great fans, one of them told me he was supporting "yanited" back before they were winning things, he is fucking 20. Also that guy i mentioned who started supporting after they won the league last year, aye hes been a life long fan now like.
  3. Has to be Manure, i quite like Arsenal
  4. WTF it was like an Arsenal forum on here last night.
  5. Decky


    Exactly, and alot of the fans are fond of him. I can see him being abit of a cult hero/legend for us tbh. 17 goals last season, 9 so far this season? Only 181 to go! Come on Oba!
  6. Alot of good clubs will be in for Deco lads, some will be in the Champions League, we will be one of few, infact we could be the only club in for him that wont be in Europe, why would he come here?
  7. Decky

    Thierry Henry

    Hardly, it would cost us very close to the money we spent on Owen to get him, money i dont want to see wasted on a 30 year player.
  8. Sky are pathetic, all ive heard today is the Arsenal/Liverpool games been referred to as "the trilogy" Why do they have to attach tags to these games, like Grand Slam Sunday and The Trilogy
  9. Decky

    Edgar or Taylor?

    Fed up with "geordie boy" Taylor and his mistakes. TBH we should buy a top CB in the summer so we arnt leave with this awful decision of choosing between 2 average mistake prone players.
  10. thats what we thought until we played derby But we actually play to win games now rather than play to stop the opposition
  11. Hull, Bristol and Watford. 18 easy points right there.
  12. Decky

    Martins & Youtube

    I know a couple. Do I win a prize? Some night vision goggles.
  13. Decky

    Thierry Henry

    No way, would be awful. He can only play 1 game a week as it is, knowing our luck he will come here and be fucked for about 6 months. Why not spend big on an up and coming striker rather than some crock who is playing beyond his best days?
  14. Decky

    Charlie Nicholas

    Just goes on as normal really
  15. Decky

    Charlie Nicholas

    He has a few times
  16. Who cares what that lizard Garth Crooks thinks
  17. 2 Good 2 Bad was hilarious this week, especially the Man Utd warm down mackems.gif
  18. Southgate is so full of shit, and seriously, what an ugly bastard
  19. Looked like SAF said: "Shut the fuck up you arsehole"
  20. MOTD 2's on now mate. whats been on so far? FA Cup, Prem highlights starting now
  21. What is on that blokes finger in your sig? Shit, he is dirty sanchezing her
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